Publication Date

March 1, 1994

Perspectives Section

AHA Annual Meeting

The January 5–8, 1995, annual meeting will be held in Chicago, Illinois, at the Chicago Hilton and Palmer House Hilton hotels. As members were informed in last month’s issue (see Perspectives, February 1994, page 1), the AHA Council concluded that the AHA’s 109th annual meeting would not be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, because of the November 1993 referendum in that city that eliminates sexual orientation as a basis for protection against discrimination. The annual business meeting of the membership voted to commend the Council on its action. The Association last met in Chicago in December 1991.

Favorable rates of $69 for a single room and $79 for a double room will be offered at both hotels, and a shuttle will operate between the two. The final deadline for proposals for the 1995 meeting was February 4, 1994.