The 1990 annual meeting of the Association will be held in New York, December 27–30. The Program Committee welcomes proposals by all members of the Association, by scholars in related disciplines, and by affiliated societies. The committee, approved by the Council, consists of the following: Ronald G. Walters, Johns Hopkins University (chair); Jean H. Quataert, State University of New York, Binghamton (cochair); Judith Brown, Stanford University; Patrick Geary, University of Florida; Jacqueline Dowd Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Barbara Howe, West Virginia University; Ray A. Kea, Carleton College and St. Olaf’s College; Daniel C. Littlefield, University of Illinois; Susan Mann, University of California, Santa Cruz; Mary Poovey, Johns Hopkins University; Eric Van Young, University of California, Santa Cruz; and Judith Zinsser, United Nations International School.
In addition to encouraging panels in traditional areas and periods such as medieval Europe and colonial America, the committee has particular interest in sessions dealing with the rewriting of history to reflect the intellectual excitement of new methodologies, interpretive shifts, and the recent experiences of the Soviet Union as well as Asian, African, and Latin American nations. Well-focused sessions in comparative history are also particularly welcome.
Entire sessions, panels, or workshops may be proposed. Single paper proposals should contain suggestions for potential chairs, commentators, or related papers. Proposals should be submitted in triplicate and include a brief curriculum vitae (including papers presented over the last five years) for each participant and a one page abstract explaining the significance of the session as well as one-paragraph summaries of each paper. Proposals should be sent to Ronald G. Walters, Department of History, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218.
All participants in the annual meeting program, except foreign scholars and scholars from other disciplines, must be bona fide members of the Association. Participants in the 1989 program will not be eligible to appear in the 1990 program except under extraordinary circumstances.
The Program Committee will hold its first meeting in mid-November. In order to be considered at this meeting, proposals must be received no later than October 25, 1989. The final deadline for submission of proposals is February 16, 1989.