AHA Today

Grant of the Week: Teaching Development Fellowships

AHA Staff | Aug 8, 2008

The National Endowment for the Humanities’ new Teaching Development Fellowships support college and university teachers pursuing significant research aimed specifically at deepening their core knowledge in the humanities to improve their undergraduate teaching. The three goals of this fellowship program are: 1) to improve the depth and quality of humanities education in the United States; 2) to strengthen the link between research and teaching in the humanities; and 3) to foster excellence in undergraduate instruction. Projects must improve an existing undergraduate course that has been taught in at least three different terms and will continue to be taught by the applicant. To be eligible, applicants must carry full-time teaching loads at two- or four-year colleges or universities and cannot be currently enrolled in a degree-granting program. These fellowships are available for three to five months with stipends of $4,200 per month. The maximum stipend is $21,000 for a five-month award period. Applications are due October 1, 2008. See the Teaching Development Fellowships page for more information.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

Tags: AHA Today Grant of the Week


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