A Historic Day for Health Reform
It is a historic day for health reform. The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of the 2010 Affordable Care…
A Bleak Day for Defenders of Personal Liberty
This is a bleak day for defenders of personal liberty. The Supreme Court has abrogated its responsibility as a co-equal…
The Battle over Health Care Is Not Over
Having prepared comments on the demise of the health care bill, I am happily surprised that the Court has sustained…
AHA Member Spotlight: Michael Cullinane
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…
Underpaid and Underappreciated: A Portrait of Part-time Faculty Members
It will come as no surprise that faculty employed in part-time and adjunct positions are often underpaid and underappreciated, but…
Politifact and Historical Thinking: Disenfranchisement, Then and Now
By James Grossman and Allen Mikaelian Is it appropriate to reference “Jim Crow” when discussing the rash of new laws…
Council Adjusts Period for the Mosse Prize
Starting in 2013, the scope of the George L. Mosse Prize will be expanded to cover “the intellectual and cultural…
AHA Member Spotlight: Beth Boland
By Nike Nivar AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment.…
Council Revises the Annual Meeting Guidelines
At its June meeting, the AHA Council made a number of changes to the Association’s guidelines for the annual meeting.…
AHA Book Prizes to Align with Calendar Year
Starting next year, the eligibility dates for AHA book prizes will be aligned with the calendar year listed on the…
UPDATE: Michigan Legislature Proceeds with Budget Provision Targeting University Internships
Last month, the AHA issued a statement strongly opposing a move by Michigan state legislators to prevent students from earning…
Opening Doors on “Women’s Worlds”: A New Web Archive Highlights Women and Families in Iran
Historian Afsaneh Najmabadi, winner of the AHA’s 2005 Joan Kelly Memorial Prize, has spent the last few years not working…
Decisions of the AHA Council, June 2012
At its mid-year meeting, held in Washington, D.C., on June 2nd and 3rd 2012, the Council of the American Historical…
Remembering D-Day: Commemorations on the 68th Anniversary of the Invasion
Today marks the 68th anniversary of the largest amphibious invasion in history, the June 6, 1944, launch of the attack…
Annual AHA Summer Reception
The AHA cordially invites visiting researchers and friends of the Association to attend the second annual AHA Summer Reception at…
Jerry H. Bentley (1949–2012)
We were deeply saddened to learn that Jerry H. Bentley (University of Hawai’i at Manoa), a distinguished scholar and leader…
Choice Seeking Peer Reviewers
Our partners at Choice magazine are looking for peer reviewers, and asked us to pass along the following the request…
Now Available: American History Now Pamphlets
Continuing where The New American History left off 20 years ago, American History Now is an informative, up-to-date collection of…
Tuning Project Meeting: Shared Needs among Diverse History Programs
The AHA’s Tuning project for history held its first full meeting in Arlington, Virginia, the weekend of June 9–10, 2012.…
AHA Member Spotlight: Theodora Dragostinova
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…
Historical Thinking in the Present: More on Disenfranchisement, Then and Now
By James Grossman and Allen Mikaelian We wanted to call readers’ attention to the following, from Jonathan Bernstein at the…
AHA History Tuning Update: “History Discipline Core” Now Available
The American Historical Association’s Tuning Project has released the “History Discipline Core,” the result of a collaborative effort by participants…
AHA Member Spotlight: Steven A. Riess
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…
Back to School: Digital Resources for Intrepid Teaching Professionals
With the end of summer comes the inevitable return to school and a degree of anxiety, not only for students,…
The Oatmeal Builds a Museum: Over $1 Million in Crowdsourced Funds for a Tesla Site
Last week in public history funding news was a study in stark contrasts. The National Park Service (NPS) is facing…
AHA Member Spotlight: Matthew Avery Sutton
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…
History on Trial on the Campaign Trail
While it is popular for presidential candidates to mythologize America’s founding fathers on the campaign trail, it is important to…
Did They Really Say That: Getting Our Quotations Right
AHA President William Cronon recently shared a link to an article in the Atlantic that vividly reminds us how many…
Jobs, the Humanities, and the Liberal Arts: History “Tuners” See Many Paths to Employment
After the history Tuning project wrapped up its first full meeting in June, two local papers picked up on the…
AHA Member Spotlight: Karen Cook Bell
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…
Copyright and the Historian: How CUP v. Becker Affects You
Perspectives Online is featuring an important article on a recent landmark copyright case by Michael Les Benedict, emeritus professor of…
Changes in the Publications Team at the AHA
Pillarisetti Sudhir, the editor of Perspectives on History, has decided to retire at the end of the year. Associate Editor…
AHA Member Spotlight: Edin Hajdarpasic
AHA members are involved in all fields of history, with wide-ranging specializations, interests, and areas of employment. To recognize our…