Report on AAHE Assessment Forum and Applications for History
In early April 1992, I was invited to represent the AHA and OAH as one of ten observers at the seventh annual conference on assessment sponsored by the American Association for Higher Education in Miami.
Fixing Foreign Relations Series
The most crucial aspect of the work of the Historical Advisory Committee during 1992 has been meeting the serious responsibilities levied on it by the “Foreign Relations Series” legislation.
NCC Advocacy Update, September 1993
News from the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History in September 1993
First NHEN/HTA Director Opens Tulsa Office
The newly combined National History Education Network/History Teaching Alliance office opened this summer at the University of Tulsa with Christine L. Compston as its first director.
H-Net Announces 17 Scholarly Lists for Historians
H-Net is sponsoring a series of electronic discussion groups or “lists.” Subscribers automatically receive messages in their computer mailboxes.
Letters to the Editor, September 1993
Letters to the editor from September 1993