It all started with Nicolas Cage. In July 2018, Jason Herbert, a doctoral candidate in history at the University of…
Townhouse Notes
I felt like a failure the year after I finished my PhD. Yes, I had accomplished something incredible and was…
Common Schooling and the Common Good
I come from a family of proud public school supporters. I attended public elementary, junior high, and high schools and then…
Graham A. Cosmas (1938–2021)
Graham A. Cosmas passed away on March 18, 2021. He was a distinguished historian of the US military, one of…
Emil J. Polak (1936–2021)
Emil J. Polak, professor emeritus of history at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York, died at…
Yü Ying-shih (1930–2021)
Yü Ying-shih, Gordon Wu ’58 Professor of Chinese Studies emeritus and professor emeritus of East Asian studies and history at…
On “Abstract and Ill Informed”
To the Editor: In her September 2021 column, “Abstract and Ill Informed,” Jacqueline Jones misses the deep concern many historians…
On “An Epidemic of Hostility”
To the Editor: When my September 2021 issue arrived in the mail, “An Epidemic of Hostility” by James Grossman immediately…
The Purpose of Purposeful Ignorance
Is “I don’t know” the hardest sentence for a teacher to utter? As a history teacher, admitting to not knowing…
AHA Member Spotlight: Eiko Maruko Siniawer
Eiko Maruko Siniawer is the Class of 1955 Memorial Professor of History at Williams College. She lives in Williamstown, Massachusetts,…
AHA Member Spotlight: Lisa M. Fine
Lisa M. Fine is chair and professor of history at Michigan State University. She lives in East Lansing, Michigan, and…
Plague, Perinatal Remains, and Medical Knowledge
During the pandemic, scholarly and public audiences alike have shown renewed interest in histories of medicine and public health. We…