Forging Ahead

The process of becoming someone other than who we once were is usually slow, almost unnoticeable. But whether deliberate and long planned or sudden and unwilling, the act of retiring is one which can profoundly shift one’s identity and sense of self. This issue records the thoughts, experiences, and even a bit of advice from seven historians who have retired, or will shortly, on how to use the transition to stop, take stock, and even perhaps relax before looking to new horizons.

Photo: Evan Williams,

Perspectives on History May 2022 Cover. A orange cover with two orange-brown adirondack chairs sit on a wooden deck facing a lake, green trees and grass cover the opposite shore. The sky is blue and partly cloudy. There is a brown and green lake house and mountains in the distance.


Leland Renato Grigoli, editor
Laura Ansley, managing editor
Alana Venable, research and publications assistant
Alexandra F. Levy, communications manager
Liz Townsend, manager, data administration and integrity