Featured Articles
James Grossman to Succeed Arnita Jones as AHA Executive Director
AHA President Barbara Metcalf expressed the enthusiasm of the AHA Council over Dr. Grossman’s appointment: “He is an accomplished scholar,…
Bancroft Prize Winners Announced
Columbia University announced the 2010 winners of the prestigious Bancroft Prize on March 17, 2010. The three historians named were…
Humanities Advocacy Day 2010
On March 8 and 9, 2010, more than 200 college and university teachers, museum professionals, librarians, archivists, and independent scholars,…
What’s in the April AHR?
Members of the AHA should be receiving the April 2010 issue of the American Historical Review very soon. In it…
Four Historians Receive National Humanities Medals
Four historians—Robert A. Caro; AHA members Annette Gordon-Reed, and David Levering Lewis; and former AHA president and life member William…
Change Is Coming to the AHA
On July 1, 2010, the AHA will flip the switch on a new association management system (AMS). The system will…
Natalie Zemon Davis Awarded Holberg Prize
Natalie Zemon Davis, a former president of the AHA, and one of the most distinguished and versatile historians of modern…
In Defense of Academic History Writing
The writing of academic history seems to be in a crisis. Historical monographs pour from the university presses—at least 1,200…
Fiat Lux: Public Funding and the Humanities
The mass rally held recently in Sacramento in support of higher education in California, and the annual meeting of members…
Status Reports on Transparency in the Federal Government
March 15–19, 2010, marked the sixth annual Sunshine Week here in Washington, D.C. Sunshine Week is a national initiative to…
Teaching at a Community College: Some Personal Observations
Given the current state of the economy and the challenges of the job market for historians, it is increasingly necessary…
Thinking of Moving Abroad? How to Begin Applying for Foreign Jobs
There is little advice for PhD students who want to apply for jobs in foreign countries. Of course, the AHA,…
Beyond Pluralism
Editor's Note: Perspectives on Historywelcomes letters to the editor on issues discussed in its pages or which are relevant to…
Louis R. Harlan (1922-2010)
AHA President for 1989 Louis R. Harlan, distinguished university professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park, died on…
Hans L. Trefousse (1921-2010)
WWII Veteran and 50-Year Member of the AHA Born in Frankfurt on December 18, 1921, Hans L. Trefousse came to…
Marli F. Weiner (1953-2009)
Scholar of women’s history, Southern history, and African American history Marli F. Weiner, Adelaide & Alan Bird Professor of History…
Seeking Nominations for 2012 Program Committee
The AHA Research Division invites anyone interested in serving on the Program Committee for the 2012 annual meeting to submit…
Historical Maps Roundup
Historical maps can not only offer a fascinating glimpse into the past, but also be beautiful works of art. We’ve…
American Historical Review – April 2010 Online
The April 2010 issue of the American Historical Review is now available on-line at the University of Chicago Press webpage…
EDSITEment’s Advanced Placement U.S. History Lesson Plans
AHA Today regularly features the resources available on EDSITEment. We’ve profiled their monthly calendars and their thematic lesson plans (for…
Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants from the NEH
Just a month ago the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced it was using $16 million to fund 286…
Books by Members – April 2010
As a service to AHA members, we are listing books by membersreceived in the headquarters office in recent months. These…
Member Benefit: Scholar Saver 2009-10
The 2009-10 edition of Scholar Saver is now online for AHA members.* Members should login to member services to access…
AHA on Facebook & Twitter
The AHA has joined Facebook! Become a fan! What will it include? The AHA’s Facebook page will have information about…
What the Data Tells Us about Women Historians
Note:Robert B. Townsend gave the following presentation at the OAH Annual Meeting, in Washington, DC, on April 9, 2010. Looking…
Online Oral History Projects, Part V
This week we add more online oral history projects to our series of recent roundups. Be sure to read parts…
History Doctoral Programs Site Updated
The AHA’s History Doctoral Programs web site has now been updated to include current information on students, faculty, and departments…
Perspectives on History – April 2010
Catch up on recent AHA news, learn about public support of the humanities, read up on recent prizewinners, and discover…