Publication Date

May 1, 1990

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities


Women, Gender, & Sexuality

The Committee on Women Historians held its regular spring meeting on March 25. The CWH dealt with issues concerning minority historians, future publications, and the twentieth anniversary of the Rose Report. To celebrate the Rose Report, CWH decided to honor all its past chairs at its traditional breakfast at the AHA Annual Meeting.

The Committee also continued to work on an updated version its “Guidelines on Hiring Women Historians,” to be presented to the Council for adoption. The CWH also finished most of the work on an updated Survival Manual for Women (and Other) Historians, retitling it Becoming a Historian: A Survival Manual for Women and Men. Both the “Guidelines” and the Manual will be available at the December Annual Meeting.

Concerned with fostering ethnic and racial diversity within history and the historical profession, the CWH approved a statement on diversity in the curriculum taken from the report of the AHA’s Task Force on the History Major and recommended to the Professional Division and Council the formation of an AHA minority committee.

Future CWH projects include a survey of the proportion of women historians on editorial boards of historical journals and a study of the status of women within public history.