Publication Date

November 19, 2013

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

In spite of the perks of networking with over 5,000 historians, attending sessions on the latest scholarship, and perusing the booths of hundreds of vendors (just to name a few), we know that not everyone will be able to attend the AHA’s upcoming annual meeting in Washington, DC on January 2-5, 2014. For those that do attend, we know it’s often difficult to decide between concurrent sessions. To make our most popular sessions available to those who can’t attend, we regularly record a handful and make them available on our YouTube channel following the meeting. Help us determine which sessions to record by sending your suggestions via Twitter, Facebook, or in the comments below. All suggestions should be submitted no later than December 2. We’ll report back with the most popular suggestions and will let you know what sessions will also be available online.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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