Publication Date

February 8, 2011

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

History Theres an app for that was a top post of 2010What are your favorite posts, or types of posts on AHA Today? Do you come for the latest online resources, annual meeting posts, or thoughts from the executive director? Are you a regular follower of our Thursday roundup of “What We’re Reading”?

We’re curious as to what you want to read, and so we looked back at our traffic statistics from 2010 to find some of the most popular blog posts. Read on and revisit below:

  1. Troubling News on Job Market for History PhDs
    Days before the 124th Annual Meeting in 2010 in San Diego, Robert Townsend put up a blog post on the job market for historians. The news was grim, but this year’s Job Center showed improvement from the previous year’s job numbers.
  2. History, There’s an App for That
    There are a number of iPhone apps that are especially helpful for historians, and in this post we rounded up a few. We’re looking forward to putting together an updated roundup on apps and hopefully including Android options as well.
  3. EDSITEment’s Advanced Placement U.S. History Lesson Plans
    In April we featured EDSITEment’s excellent collection of AP U.S. History lesson plans. They are scholar-reviewed, designed by teachers, structured with questions and objectives, teach students to evaluate historical content, and are engaging.
  4. Top 25 Web Sites for Teaching and Learning
    This past summer we reported on the American Association of School Librarians’ list of “The Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning,” highlighting a few that historians might be especially interested in.
  5. Assessing the Future of Peer Review
    Following the most recent THAT Camp, Robert B. Townsend took a closer look at “peer review in the humanities, and whether it can and should continue in its current form.”
  6. Historical Malpractice and the Writing of Textbooks
    AHA Executive Director Jim Grossman responded to revelations about errors in a Virginia history textbook, noting that “too often history seems…subject to lower standards and inadequate review.”
  7. What the Data Tells Us about Women Historians
    A presentation Robert B. Townsend gave at the OAH Annual Meeting, in Washington D.C. on April 9, 2010 looks at how while “the rest of academia has moved toward greater balance in the representation of women, history has lagged well behind most of the other fields.”
  8. Historical Maps Roundup
    A collection of online map resources, including the David Rumsey Map Collection, World Digital Library, National Geographic Map of the Day, Henry Hudson 400, GOOD magazine, and the BBC.
  9. History Podcasts
    Our first post on podcasts focused on The Gilder Lehrman, Institute of American History, Digital Campus, HNN, the Military History Podcast, and Talking History. Since that first roundup we’ve put up two more posts, History Podcasts, Take 2 and History Podcasts, Take 3, on history podcasts
  10. The 90th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
    This past August the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote, celebrated its 90th year. To honor this we linked to images, a film, and lesson plans on women’s suffrage.

Would any of these articles make your list of top ten favorite AHA Today posts? If not, let us know, comment section below, what would.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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