The 2014 annual meeting will feature several opportunities to promote broader thinking about careers for history PhDs, including aCareer Fair, a series of sessions on the Malleable PhD sponsored by the AHA Professional Division, and an all-day workshop on careers in history museums.
Finding and Loving a Government Job: Part Deux
Friday, January 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m., Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland Suite A
Reprising the popular 2013 session, the participants will go into greater detail about their history PhDs and their government jobs and provide audience members with a chance to converse at length with the panelists.
Report on the Current Status of the Mellon-Funded AHA-MLA Study: Career Paths for Humanities PhDs
Friday, January 3, 2:30–4:30 p.m., Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland Suite A
Members of this panel will provide an update on the findings of a joint AHA-MLA project that seeks to broaden our understanding of the career employment options for students enrolled in history and modern language doctoral programs.
Career Fair
Saturday, January 4, 1:00–5:00 p.m., Marriott Wardman Park, Exhibit Hall C
Historians from a variety of fields will speak with students and job candidates about the path to becoming a historian. Mentors can hold informational interviews, display materials about being a historian in their field, or just be available to talk about their own journey in the history profession.
Getting to the Malleable PhD
Saturday, January 4, 2:30–4:30 p.m., Marriott Wardman Park, Thurgood Marshall Ballroom South
This panel brings together historians who have a variety of perspectives on implementing the malleable PhD. To reach this goal, members of a number of different groups will have to work together to change a culture that favors academic appointments over other kinds of employment.
Historians and History Museums: An Offsite Workshop at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History
Friday, January 3, 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Warner Bros. Theater at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, Constitution Ave. NW between 12th and 14th St.
This session features historians who are employed in a variety of positions at history museums. They will discuss the work they do and the ways in which their doctoral training prepared them (and failed to prepare them) for their museum careers.
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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