Teachers of all levels will find plenty to do at the AHA’s upcoming annual meeting, to be held in Washington, DC, from January 2-5. From sessions on the latest scholarship to discussions about pedagogy, and from networking events to hands-on workshops, AHA 2014 offers dozens of professional development opportunities for K-12 educators. With a registration fee of only $40 in advance ($45 at the door), and deeply discounted hotel rates, a weekend in DC with fellow historians is a great way to kick off the new semester.
We’ve compiled a list of offerings below that might be of interest to K-12 educators, but please visit our online program for a full list of events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Plenary Session:“Other” Civil Wars of the 1860s: Strife in a Time of Nation-Building
Session 3: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Why Should We Engage?
Session 4: Surviving the First Years of Teaching: A Roundtable Discussion
Session 38: Promise and Peril: The Implications of the Common Core for History Education
Friday, January 3, 2014
Luncheon: Intelligence and National Security in the Cold War and After (Sponsored by the Organization of History Teachers); $15 fee, advance registration required
Session 82: Charting New Frontiers: Global Perspectives on the History of Maps
Session 117: Panic: Financial Crises over Space and Time
Session 123: The Middle East and the Great War
Session 64: National Endowment for the Humanities Enduring Questions Course Grants: Advice, Experience, Evaluation
Session 71: Teaching Critical Thinking in an Increasingly Digital Age: Strategies, Struggles, and
Session 76: Teaching History to/for STEM Students
Session 79: Collaborating with Curators, Librarians, and Archivists: A Practicum for Teachers and
Session 84: Engaging History through Service: Approaches to Learning Beyond the Undergraduate
Session 94: Teaching Historiography: Debating Divergent Interpretations in an Introductory History
Session 100: Digital History in (and out of) the Classroom
Session 108: American Dreams? Reflections on Hemispheric Approaches to Teaching and Research
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Breakfast: K-12 Networking Breakfast (Sponsored by The History Channel); free, but advance registration requested
Workshop: Atlantic Encounters: Internationalizing U.S. History in the Classroom Workshop for K-12 Educators; (Sponsored by the AHA, Microsoft Research, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, and the National Council for Social Studies); free, but advance registration requested. Note: Proof of participation will be available for CEU requests.
AP History Luncheon: Does History Make Sense? The Mind and Things Past (Sponsored by the College Board); $15 fee, advance registration required
Session 129: What Would Eurasian History Look Like?
Session 157: 1914–18: Global Conflict, Local Context
Session 184: Generations of Women’s History
Session 209: History on Very Big Scales
Session 130: The Two “R”s at the CC: Are Historical Research and Writing Compatible with Teaching at a Community College?
Session 143: Sites of Encounter in the Medieval World: The History Blueprint Approach
Session 144: Spaced Out: Teaching African American Lives and Labor through Historical Geography
Session 146: Teaching Historiographical Debate in the World History Classroom
Session 155: What Should a Twenty-First-Century History Textbook Look Like?
Session 158: Disruptive Pedagogies: Reimagining Classroom-Based Approaches to Student Learning
Session 162: Comparative History As a Teaching Tool
Session 190: Doing Digital History with Undergraduates
Session 200: The Cold War History Blueprint: University–K-12 Collaboration to Improve History
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Session 210: Professional Development in World History Education: The Alliance Project
Session 217: Chronicling America: Using Historic Digital Newspapers for Teaching and Research
Session 227: Teaching the Mediterranean Middle Ages
Session 237: The Feedback Loop: Historians Talk about the Links between Research and Teaching
Session 238: The Future of AP History: Designing and Assessing a “Best Practices” History Curriculum
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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