The American Historical Association now has a home page on the World Wide Web. Sponsored by the Center for History in the Media at George Mason University (, it is accessible using a Web browser such as Netscape by pointing toward and using a mouse to follow the links. The information now available includes:
- A description of AHA programs,
- A list of AHA publications,
- A description of AHA awards and fellowships, and
- Short biographies of AHA staff.
The home page is still under construction, and we welcome members’ advice on what services would be most useful. We hope to extend many of our paper services, including the Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct and the Report on the Status and Hiring of Women and Minority Historians in Academia, into the online world. We also plan to offer membership information, a guide to upcoming annual meetings, an electronic version of Perspectives, our publications catalog, a calendar of historical events, and many other services. We are creating these Web pages to serve our membership, so if you have suggestions, we’d like to hear them. Also, if your history department has a World Wide Web page, we’d like to know your address so that we can compile a listing. Please send all correspondence to Andrew McMichael, AHA Communications Associate, at our new email address: