The 126th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association will be held in Chicago at the Sheraton Chicago, Chicago Marriott Downtown, and the Westin Chicago River North. More than 1,800 scholars, including 244 from other countries, will participate in 423 AHA and affiliate sessions. Forty-four specialized affiliated societies and other groups will cosponsor sessions or hold separate luncheons, sessions, and meetings.
The print version of the 2012 Annual Meeting Program was mailed out to members in late October. The online version of theProgram also provides complete details of AHA sessions and affiliate sessions and events.
Noted below are sessions and events sponsored by Association divisions and committees. Session numbers or Program page numbers are indicated in parenthesis.
The AHA's Teaching Division is sponsoring six sessions: The Texas Social Studies Standards Experience: What Can We Learn? (37);Successfully Teaching History in the Online Environment: Experiences, Tips, and Thoughts (68); Lighting Up the Classroom? Then Talk to the Public! (103); Creating a Blueprint for History and Social Science Education: Advancing Instruction, Assessment, Student Learning, and Engagement (144); Teaching History in a Digital Age (168); Whither the Future of the History Textbook (232).
See theonline version of the Program for additional sessions and activities for those with a special interest in history teaching.
The Teaching Division is sponsoring with the AHA's Graduate and Early Career Committee, the AHA's Two-Year College Task Force, and the National History Center, a teaching workshop, "Recognizing Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching,” on Thursday, January 6. Space is limited, so complimentary advance registration is required; it can be secured through the meeting’s preregistration process.
With, the division is sponsoring for a fourth year an all-day workshop, scheduled for Saturday, January 7, “Teaching the Past in a Digital World: New Perspectives for History Education.”
For the 21st year, the AHA's Professional Division continues its sponsorship of a workshop, "Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century” (34, in conjunction with the AHA Graduate and Early Career Committee and the Coordinating Council for Women in History). In this sessio0n, scheduled on Friday, January 6, in the 9:30–11:30 a.m. time period, attendees will be divided into small interviewee groups, each led by a college or university faculty member or a public historian who will conduct mock interviews and lead discussion of successful interview strategies. Jacqueline Jones (Univ. of Texas at Austin), vice president of the Professional Division will preside.
The division is sponsoring two additional sessions: The Department Chair as Negotiator: Challenges Faced by History Department Chairs in These Perilous, Budget-Cutting Times (102); andHistorians and Principles of Access to Archives (135).
The Professional Division is sponsoring with the AHA's Departmental and Organizational Services Program (DOSP) the Department Chairs' Luncheon on Saturday, January 7. Department chairs are invited to share experiences, discuss common issues, and receive encouragement from their colleagues. Incoming, current, and former chairs are welcome to attend. Tickets are $25 for chairs of departments that participate in the AHA’s DOSP and are $45 for nonmembers. Tickets can be purchased in advance through the registration process or at the meeting at the onsite registration counters.
On Saturday evening, the Professional Division will sponsor a reception for public historians and anyone with an interest in public history.
The AHA's Research Division will sponsor six sessions and roundtables: Giving Flesh and Voice to "Ordinary People"—New Goals, New Means (2); Digital Humanities: A Hands-On Workshop (36); Historians and Principles of Access to Archives (135);Archivists, Historians, and the Future of Authority in the Archives (167); Popular Protests in Global Perspective (199);The Valley of the Shadow Project and Its Progeny after Twenty Years (231); The division will also sponsor a Digital History Workshop: Part 1: The Future of History Journals in the Digital Age (136) and Part 2: State of the Field (166).
The AHA's Committee on Minority Historians will cosponsor the sessions "Inside Stories: Identity, Community, and the Historian's Subjectivity” (3) and “Striking Connections: Mobility, Performance, and the Unexpected Development of Unwieldy Subjects” (104).
The CMH invites minority graduate students and first-year faculty to acomplimentary continental breakfast on Friday, January 6, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Those interested in attending should sign-up during the registration process. The CMH also invites minority scholars, graduate students, and others attending the annual meeting to a reception on Saturday, January 7, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
The AHA's Committee on Women Historians will sponsor the session "Women in Right-Wing Political Movements” (233). The committee also invites attendance at itsannual breakfast meeting on Saturday morning, January 7. Leora Auslander (Univ. of Chicago) will preside and Barbara Young Welke (Univ. of Minnesota) will speak on the topic, “Telling Stories, A Meditation on Love, Loss, History, and Who We Are.” Tickets ($35 member; $45 nonmember, $30 student member) are available for advance purchase through the registration process. A limited number of tickets may be available at the registration counters in Chicago. Each attendee’s prepaid ticket will be printed and distributed with the meeting badge, available for pick up in the Sheraton Chicago’s River Exhibition Hall B.
The AHA's Graduate and Early Career Committee is sponsoring four sessions:Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century (34); Professional Development: Turning Your Dissertation into a Book (69); A Winner's Guide to Graduate and Postdoctoral Grant and Fellowship Competitions (200);Recognizing Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (with the AHA Teaching Division and the National History Center).
On Thursday, January 5, beginning at 5:00 p.m., the GECC will sponsor its annual reception for graduate students and early career professionals, who are invited to meet colleagues from other institutions as well as the Association’s leadership. On Friday, January 6, at 5:30 p.m., the committee will sponsor an open forum to discuss issues of interest to graduate students and early career professionals. See the online version of the Program for additionalsessions and events of special interest to graduate students and early career professionals.
The Advisory Committee on Disability with the Disability History Association will sponsor the session "Disability, the Family, and the Domestic Sphere” (70).
The AHA's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Historians Task Force will sponsor an open forum on Friday, January 7, beginning at 4:45 p.m. Task force chair Leisa D. Meyer (Coll. of William and Mary) and members Jennifer Brier (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago) and Marc Stein (York Univ.) will lead a discussion on LGBTQ issues and concerns and practical solutions.
The AHA's Two-Year College Faculty Task Force will sponsor the session, "Successfully Teaching History in the Online Environment: Experiences, Tips, and Thoughts” (68). History faculty from two-year colleges are invited to a reception on Friday, January 6, beginning at 5:30 p.m. An open forum starting at 5:45 p.m. will be devoted to sharing ideas how the AHA can better serve two-year faculty.
is the AHA's director of meetings.
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