Publication Date

November 1, 2005

Perspectives Section


The Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era announces its biennial competition for the best published article dealing with any aspect of U.S. history between 1865 and 1917. The prize is open to new scholars, defined as graduate students or PhDs who have received their degree after 1994 and have not yet published a book. The article must have appeared in a journal dated 2003 or 2004. The winner of the prize will receive a $500 award. Articles may be submitted for consideration by authors or by others (journal editors, for example). Three copies of the article and a copy of the table of contents of the issue in which it appeared should be sent by December 1, 2005, to Jacqueline M. Moore, SHGAPE Prize Committee, Department of History, Austin College, 900 N. Grand Avenue, Sherman TX 75090. E-mail:

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