Publication Date

November 1, 2012

Perspectives Section


The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), an affiliate of the AHA, is issuing a Call for Proposals to edit its flagship publication, Diplomatic History. The term of appointment will begin in August 2014 and, as stipulated in SHAFR’s by-laws, will extend for at least three but no more than five years.

Diplomatic History (DH) is the leading journal in the fields of U.S. foreign relations and international history. In 2011, full-text downloads of DH articles reached 160,000. SHAFR provides a substantial subvention to the editorial office doing the intellectual work of producing the journal. It has been the practice that the home institution of the editorial office also contributes financially and in kind to the production of the journal. From January 2013, the journal will be published by Oxford University Press. The current administrative setup includes an editor-in-chief, an executive editor, two associate editors (one for book reviews and one for communications), graduate student assistant editors, and a board of editors. While SHAFR’s by-laws mandate a board of editors, they do not mandate the current division of labor. The editorial staff can but need not be located at a single institution.

Applicants submitting a proposal should, in no more than five pages:

  1. Specify the major individuals who would be involved and describe the role of each person.
  2. Specify the support, both financial and in-kind, that the host-institution guarantees it will provide to the Editorial office.
  3. Assess the intellectual strength of DHas it now stands.
  4. Offer a vision for the journal as it evolves. Where would you like to take DH?

The deadline for submission of proposals is March 1, 2013.

The final decision will be made by the president of SHAFR with the approval of the society's council.
SHAFR’s council established an advisory committee composed of Frank Costigliola (chair), Richard Immerman, Andrew Preston, Emily Rosenberg, and Naoko Shibusawa. Prospective applicants should feel free to consult with members of the committee.

Applications should be submitted to

The advisory committee expects to meet with finalists at the OAH annual meeting in April 2013 and make its recommendation to the president and to the council at the June 2013 SHAFR meeting.

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