On behalf of the Nominating Committee, I am pleased to report the results of the 2000 election for AHA offices. At its May 6–7, 2000, meeting, the AHA Council accepted the suggestion of the Nominating Committee that it announce only the results at the annual Business Meeting and in Perspectives. Members may request actual vote tallies from Sharon K. Tune, Assistant Director of Administration. In the listing of candidates below, the elected candidate is indicated with an asterisk.
President (1-year term)
*Wm. Roger Louis, Univ. of Texas at Austin (British Empire, modern Britain, expansion of Europe, decolonization in Asia, Middle East, Africa)
President-Elect (1-year term)
*Lynn Hunt, UCLA (France, early modern Europe, late modern Europe, cultural, gender)
Charles S. Maier, Harvard Univ. (20th-century Europe, modern Germany and Italy, 20th-century European-American relations, modern economic and social, modern social theory)
Vice President, Teaching Division (3-year term)
*Kathryn Kish Sklar, SUNY, Binghamton (U.S. and comparative women's [19th and 20th centuries], U.S. social, political, and cultural)
William A. Weber, California State Univ. at Long Beach (modern Europe, social history of music, preparation and professional development of teachers)
Council (3-year terms)
Position 1
*Maureen Murphy Nutting, North Seattle Community Coll. (U.S., American women, Latin America, world, transnational identity issues, teaching history, American religious)
William A. Paquette, Tidewater (Va.) Community Coll. (19th- and 20th-century Europe, China, Canada, Africa, United States)
Position 2
*David Harris Sacks, Reed Coll. (early modern Britain and Europe, Atlantic world, European urban, political and ethical thought, relations between history and other social science and humanities disciplines)
Adrian Shubert, York Univ. (modern Spain, European social and cultural)
Divisions (3-year terms)
Jaime E. Rodríguez O., Univ. of California at Irvine (18th- and 19th-century Latin America, Mexico, Hispanic Revolution, nationalism and state formation, political culture)
*Susan Mosher Stuard, Haverford Coll. (medieval, women and gender, social and economic, historiography)
Bruce Cumings, Univ. of Chicago (international, modern Korea, East Asian-American relations, political economy, international relations)
*Louis A. Pérez Jr., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Latin America, Caribbean, Cuba)
David A. Berry, Essex County (N.J.) Community Coll. (world, European intellectual, theory of history and historiography)
*Marguerite (Peggy) Renner, Glendale (Calif.) Community Coll. (American women, education, U.S. social)
Committee on Committees (3-year term)
*Jerry H. Bentley, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa (world, early modern Europe)
John A. Mears, Southern Methodist Univ. (early modern Europe, 17th-century Austria, world)
Nominating Committee (3-year terms)
Position 1
Elisabeth Israels Perry, Saint Louis Univ. (U.S. women, Progressive Era)
*Peter Kolchin, Univ. of Delaware (19th-century U.S., U.S. South, slavery and emancipation, comparative)
Position 2
*Peter A. Fritzsche, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (European social and cultural, Germany, memory and modernity, historiography)
Susan K. Kent, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder (modern Britain, gender and sexuality, politics and culture, World War I)
Position 3
*Joyce E. Chaplin, Harvard Univ. (early America and Caribbean, early modern science, race, Atlantic, frontier)
Lynn Dumenil, Occidental Coll. (20th-century U.S., politics and culture, women, ethnicity)
The committee is extremely grateful to all the candidates who agreed to stand for Association elective office and committee positions despite other pressing obligations. The Association depends for its continued well-being upon the willingness of its members to serve.
Of the 13,875 members of the Association, 3,030 cast ballots before the November 1 deadline. Seventy-three ballots arrived after the deadline and could not be counted. The total is consistent with those of the previous four years, during which the median number of ballots cast was 3,040.
Survey and Ballot Systems, Inc., of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, scanned the ballots and tabulated the results. Only 30 ballots needed to be hand counted. Some voters registered their opinions about candidates, and the committee will review these comments and criticisms at its next meeting in February 2001.
The Nominating Committee met in Washington, D.C., February 5–7, 2000. This is the fourth year that the committee has met from Saturday to Monday. Although the chair had to make some telephone calls after the meeting adjourned, the Saturday-to-Monday schedule allowed us to reach nominees more easily than other alternatives. We elected to continue the new schedule for the 2001 meeting, which is scheduled for February 3–5, 2001. The chair of the 2001 Nominating Committee is Sara Nalle of William Paterson University.
The Nominating Committee is very concerned that members should have input into the nominating process. In the fall of 1999, Chair issued a call for nominations that was published in the January 2000 issue of Perspectives and was also posted on H-Announce, through which it was crosslisted on many of the H-Net lists. The call stressed the committee’s commitment to diversity of all kinds and urged members to suggest nominees. A number of members responded with suggestions and expressions of willingness to serve. All of us on the Nominating Committee are extremely grateful to members of the AHA who nominated colleagues or themselves for office. The committee carefully considered all such suggestions, nominating several of those whose names came to the committee’s attention this way. However, the committee continues to be concerned that more members do not suggest candidates to the committee. It again wishes to assure members that nominations from the membership receive very attentive consideration. The committee encourages members to respond to the call for nominations when it appears.
Committee members also contacted a large number of colleagues and associates, asking for suggestions and expressions of interest. Positive responses also provided a source of possible nominations, as did a file of curricula vitae of those who have been suggested, who have expressed interest, or who have otherwise been considered by the committee in the past.
The committee took pains to find able and energetic members who could work well with colleagues. In the case of the president, the committee recognized the importance of selecting nominees who could represent the interests of historians effectively to the society at large and whose experience suggested some degree of administrative skill. In all its selections, the committee was anxious to reflect the broad diversity of the historical profession in terms of geographic location, type of institution served, sub-discipline, interests, gender, and cultural background.
This year the committee made a special effort to secure representation from secondary-school faculty and community colleges, and from regions other than the northeast and California, which are presently well represented. This last effort proved more difficult than anticipated, in part because Californians were more likely than others to express interest in serving and to make suggestions. Also, those with the experience and reputation appropriate for the most senior elective positions are disproportionately on faculties of California and northeastern institutions. The committee continues to be aware of the need to make certain that representation is more geographically diverse than at present.
As noted above, the committee recommended and the Council agreed that the Association end the custom of announcing publicly the votes that winning and losing candidates received. However, any member who wishes to know the details may secure them by contacting the AHA office. The vote tallies are reported to Council to assure that the committee is fulfilling its responsibility of making competitive nominations.
The committee and staff continue to explore the possibility of electronic voting for officers and elective committee positions.
The committee wishes to thank the staff of the Association, and especially Assistant Director Sharon K. Tune, for her consistent, outstanding work and her expert guidance and advice, without which the committee could not fulfill its responsibilities.
Finally, I wish to thank the committee members with whom I have worked for over three years. Their judiciousness, expertise, and broad knowledge of the profession are what enable the committee to fulfill its responsibilities. The Association owes them a deep debt of gratitude. Through days of intensive effort at close quarters, they remained delightful companions.
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