The American Historical Association is pleased to announce that the following members and their proposed research projects were selected from among many fine applicants to receive AHA grants and fellowships for 1998–99.
1998 Albert J. Beveridge Research Grants
Karen A. Balcom, PhD candidate, Rutgers University, “‘The Traffic in Babies’: Cross-Border Adoption, Baby-Selling and the Development of Child Welfare Systems in Canada and the United States, 1930–1960”
Adriana M. Brodsky, PhD candidate, Duke University, “When Jews Were Not Yet Jews: Women and the Crafting of a Sephardic/Jewish Identity in Argentina, 1880–1960”
Raymond B. Craib, PhD candidate, Yale University, “‘All the documents in their power’: State Cartography and Vernacular Landscapes in the Formation of Post-colonial Mexico”
Max P. Friedman, PhD candidate, University of California at Berkeley, “Nazis and Good Neighbors: Colombia Research Trip”
Malick W. Ghachem, PhD candidate, Stanford University, “Incorporating the American Paradox: Slavery and the Separation of Powers in Early Virginia”
Laura Gotkowitz, instructor, Swarthmore College, “Race, Gender, and Citizenship in Bolivia, 1880–1953”
D. Bradford Hunt, PhD candidate, University of California at Berkeley, “Chicago Housing Authority, Central Office File Investigation”
Charlene M. Boyer Lewis, instructor, Southeastern Louisiana University, “Ladies and Gentlemen on Display: Planter Society at the Virginia Springs, 1790–1860”
Marina Moskowitz, PhD candidate, Yale University, “Standard Bearers: Material Culture, Marketing and Middle-Class Communities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”
Amy E. Murrell, PhD candidate, University of Virginia, “Divided Families in Civil War America”
Jonathan D. Wells, PhD candidate, University of Michigan, “The Origins of the Southern Middle Class: Intellectual Culture, Economy, and Politics in the South, 1820–1880”
1998 Michael Kraus Research Grant
Wayne Lee, PhD candidate, Duke University, “From Riot to War: Public Violence in Eighteenth-Century North Carolina”
1998 Littleton-Griswold Research Grants
Elizabeth Kopelman Borgwardt, PhD candidate, Stanford University, “In Their Own Image: Law, Ideas, and Conceptual Change in American Diplomacy, 1944–1947”
Dawn Rae Flood, PhD candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Hard to Prove: Victims in Chicago Rape Cases, 1926–1966”
John A. Logan, PhD candidate, University of California at Davis, “Defining Industrial Citizenship: The State and Workers’ Rights in the U.S. and Canada, 1933–1961”
Elaine Frantz Parsons, PhD candidate, Johns Hopkins University, “Slaves to the Bottle: Drink in Legal Discourse”
Ellen Holmes Pearson, PhD candidate, Johns Hopkins University, “American Transformations of Blackstone’s Commentaries, 1769–1830”
Dana Rabin, Graduate College scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “The Criminal Self and Legal Responsibility in England, 1660–1800”
Susan Wyly-Jones, PhD candidate, Harvard University, “The Impact of Abolitionist Postal and Petition Campaigns on Society, Law, and Politics in the U.S. South, 1835–1844”
1997 Bernadotte E. Schmitt Research Grants
Kathleen M. Comerford, assistant professor, Benedictine College, “Agents of the Counter-Reform—Or Not”
Laura K. Deal, research associate, University of Colorado at Boulder, “Defamation and Reputation in the Diocese of Chester, 1560–1645”
Colin J. Fallon, PhD candidate, University of Delaware, “The Salvation, Promotion, and Politicization of Culture in the City of Weimar, 1919–1933”
Nancy J. Jacobs, assistant professor, Brown University, “Environmental Management and Food Production in Kuruman, South Africa”
Janine Lanza, assistant professor, Appalachian State University, “Family Making and Family Breaking: Widows in Eighteenth-Century France”
Catherine Patterson, assistant professor, University of Houston, “Corporations, the Crown, and Quo Warranto: Urban Government and the English State, 1590–1640″
Michael G. Seaman, PhD candidate, University of California at Los Angeles, “Examination of Epigraphic Evidence in Study of Ancient Ethnic Cleansing”
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