Starting with this issue of Perspectives, the Publications Department at AHA headquarters in Washington will be restructured to allow exploration of new forms of electronic publication.
Robert Townsend, managing editor of publications and editor of Perspectives for the last two and a half years, will continue to manage the department while editing the 21st edition of the Directory of History Departments and Organizations. Townsend will look at the possibility of producing an electronic version of the Directory, which would allow users to search for historians with particular specializations. The incorporation of Doctoral Dissertations in History into the Directory will also be explored. Additional projects to be undertaken by the AHA will also fall within his range of responsibilities.
Wendi Maloney, associate editor of Perspectives for the last year and a half, will now edit the newsletter. Since joining the Association almost two years ago, she has introduced a number of innovations in the collection and publication of employment advertisements and has begun to draft a style sheet for in-house publications.
Roxanne Myers Spencer, pamphlets and Directory editor for the past two years, will step into the role of associate editor of Perspectives, overseeing the Employment Information section of the newsletter and other informational columns. She will also assume the role of production coordinator, working with printers and other suppliers for the Association to prepare for future electronic and print publications.
The Association is currently exploring a variety of other electronic publications, including the revival of an electronic version of Recently Published Articles, and an electronic version of the American Historical Review. We welcome your suggestions as we develop a publications program for the 21st century.