The following is a list of the recipients of the various awards, prizes, and honors that will be presented at the General Meeting of the American Historical Association on Friday, January 6, 2012, in Chicago Ballroom VI of the Sheraton Chicago. The full citations of the prize and award committees will be printed in the booklet distributed at the General Meeting, as well as in the March 2012 issue ofPerspectives on History.
Award for Scholarly Distinction
Donald R. Kelley (Rutgers Univ.-New Brunswick)
Troyer Steele Anderson Prize
James Billington (Library of Congress)
Eugene Asher Award for Distinguished Post-Secondary Teaching
Kathleen Neils Conzen (Univ. of Chicago)
Beveridge Family Teaching Award for K–12 Teaching
Marney Murphy (Three Rivers Middle School, Cleves, Ohio); and Jason Yaman (Blythewood Middle School, Blythewood, S.C.)
Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for the Best Article by an Undergraduate
Daniel Williford (Rhodes Coll.), “Visions of Pre-Islamic Algeria in the Revue Africaine, 1870–1896,” The Rhodes Historical Review, 13 (spring 2011): 45–69; and Tim Huebner, chair, Dept. of History, Rhodes College
Equity Awards
Individual:Andrés Tijerina (Austin Community Coll.)
Institution: Department of History, University of Arizona
Herbert Feis Award
Alfred Goldberg (formerly of the Historical Office of the Office of the Secretary of Defense)
William Gilbert Award
Steven H. Corey (Worcester State Coll.) for “Pedagogy and Place: Merging Urban and Environmental History with Active Learning,” Journal of Urban History 36:1 (January 2010), 28–41
John E. O'Connor Film Award
The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: An Urban History, directed by Chad Freidrichs, produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, and Brian Woodman; Unicorn Stencil Documentary Films
Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award
Elizabeth Blackmar (Columbia Univ.)
Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History
New York Public Library, “What's on the Menu?” A project of NYPL Labs. Ben Vershbow, Project Director (Manager of NYPL Labs); Rebecca Federman, Project Curator (NYPL’s Culinary Collections Librarian and Electronic Resources Coordinator); and Michael Inman, Project Curator (NYPL’s Curator of Rare Books)
Honorary Foreign Member
Mechal Sobel (Univ. of Haifa)
Book Prizes
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize:Anna Krylova (Duke Univ.),Soviet Women in Combat: A History of Violence on the Eastern Front (Cambridge Univ. Press)
George Louis Beer Prize:David Ciarlo (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany (Harvard Univ. Press); Michael A. Reynolds (Princeton Univ.), Shattering Empires: The Clash and Collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Empires 1908—1918 (Cambridge Univ. Press)*
Albert J. Beveridge Award: Daniel Okrent, Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition (Scribner)
James Henry Breasted Prize:Saskia T. Roselaar (Univ. of Nottingham ),Public Land in the Roman Republic: A Social and Economic History of Ager Publicus in Italy, 396–89 B.C. (Oxford Univ. Press)
John H. Dunning Prize:Darren Dochuk (Purdue Univ.), From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism (W. W. Norton)
John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History: Carol Benedict (Georgetown Univ.),Golden-Silk Smoke: A History of Tobacco in China, 1550–2010 (Univ. of California Press)
Morris D. Forkosch Prize:Philip J. Stern (Duke Univ.),The Company-State: Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundation of the British Empire in India (Oxford University Press)
Leo Gershoy Award:Alexandra Walsham (Trinity Coll., Univ. of Cambridge), The Reformation of the Landscape: Religion, Identity, and Memory in Early Modern Britain and Ireland (Oxford Univ. Press)
Clarence H. Haring Prize: Walter Fraga Filho (Univ. Federal da Bahia)Encruzilhadas da Liberdade: Histórias de Escravos e Libertos na Bahia, 1870–1910 (Editora Unicamp)
J. Franklin Jameson Award: Editors:Pamela O. Long (independent scholar);David McGee (independent scholar); and Alan M. Stahl (Princeton Univ.), The Book of Michael of Rhodes: A Fifteenth-Century Maritime Manuscript, 3 vols. (MIT Press)
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women's History:Leslie J. Reagan (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),Dangerous Pregnancies: Mothers, Disabilities, and Abortion in Modern America (Univ. of California Press)
Martin A. Klein Prize in African History:Jonathon Glassman (Northwestern Univ.), War of Words, War of Stones: Racial Thought and Violence in Colonial Zanzibar (Indiana University Press)
Waldo G. Leland Prize:The New Cambridge History of Islam, 6 vols. (Cambridge University Press), General Editor: Michael Cook (Princeton Univ.)
Littleton-Griswold Prize:Pauline Maier (MIT),Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution, 1787–1788 (Simon & Schuster)
J. Russell Major Prize:Jeremy D. Popkin (Univ. of Kentucky), You Are All Free: The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery (Cambridge Univ. Press)
Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize:Michael R. Ebner (Syracuse Univ.), Ordinary Violence in Mussolini's Italy (Cambridge Univ. Press)
George L. Mosse Prize:James H. Johnson (Boston Univ.), Venice Incognito: Masks in the Serene Republic (Univ. of California Press)
James A. Rawley Prize in Atlantic History:David Eltis (Emory Univ.), and David Richardson (Univ. of Hull), Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (Yale Univ. Press); andJames H. Sweet (Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison),Domingos Álvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World (Univ. of North Carolina Press)
John F. Richards Prize:Farina Mir (Univ. of Michigan).The Social Space of Language: Vernacular Culture in British Colonial Punjab (Univ. of California Press)
Wesley-Logan Prize:Frank Andre Guridy (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cuban and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow (Univ. of North Carolina Press)
*The citation for Michael A. Reynolds was omitted from the print version of the November issue; we regret this error.
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