Publication Date

November 1, 1998

Perspectives Section

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I am writing to correct what I am certain is an inadvertent error in President Joseph C. Miller's "Appreciation" for departing executive director Sandria Freitag.

In noting the expansion of the topical range of Perspectives, it is stated that features were added on, among other areas, pedagogy. Let the published record be corrected to reflect that in 1974 President William H. McNeill set aside space in the Association’s newsletter to be devoted to teaching. The first columns, initially under the banner “Innovations in Undergraduate History” and then “Teaching History Today,” were edited by Myron Marty and Henry S. Bausum. In 1980, editorship passed to Jeanette Lauer, who was joined a year later by Mildred Alpern. I was asked to edit a new teaching column, “Advanced Placement Teaching,” in 1982, and then in 1986 the two columns were merged into “Teaching Innovations” (the immediate predecessor of the “Teaching” column), with the team of Lauer and Alpern leapfrogging months for publication with me and sharing editing responsibilities. They retired in 1988, while I continued editorship (with a brief period of assistance from Howard Shorr) until 1996–97.

California State University at San Bernardino

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