Publication Date

September 1, 1995

Perspectives Section


Sylvia Berti (Univ. of Rome) has been selected to receive a Folger Shakespeare Library long-term residential fellowship for 1995–96. She plans to pursue her hypothesis that “early Enlightenment anti-Christian consciousness and political anti-absolutism are strictly related to religious radicalism.”

William Chafe has been named dean of the faculty of arts and sciences at Duke University.

Mary Maples Dunn has been appointed director of Radcliffe College’s Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. Dunn served most recently as president of Smith College in Northampton, Mass. Previously, she spent 27 years at Bryn Mawr College as a highly regarded instructor, professor, and dean.

Ellen Eslinger (De Paul Univ.) received the Kentucky Historical Society’s annual Richard H. Collins Award for her article entitled “The Shapes of Slavery on the Kentucky Frontier,” which appeared in the winter 1994 issue of The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society.

James A. Francis has published a new book, Subversive Virtue: Asceticism and Authority in the Second-Century Pagan World, with Pennsylvania State University Press.

J. Kevin Graffagnino has accepted an appointment to serve as library director for the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. He previously held several positions at the University of Vermont Library and has published numerous articles on library and history subjects.

Arnold H. Price, a former AHA staff member and section editor for the American Historical Review, published Germanic Warrior Clubs: An Inquiry into the Dynamics of the Era of Migrations and into the Antecedents of Medieval Society, with Universitas Verlag Tübingen, in 1994.

James Sheehan (Stanford Univ.) was awarded the Humboldt Research Award for Foreign Scholars by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Mary K. Trigg (Brown Univ.) received a fellowship of $38,400 for the Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. The fellowship will support training in historical editing.

William M. Tuttle, Jr. (Univ. of Kansas) was honored with the highest award bestowed by the Society of Alumni. Tuttle specializes in 20th-century American history and African American history.


The Library Company of Philadelphia

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Research Fellows in American History and Culture, 1995–96: Andrew R. Murphy (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison); Nancy F. Rosenberg (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Karin A. Wulf (American Univ.)

McLean Contributionship Fellow: James Raven (Magdalene Coll.)

Barra Foundation Fellow: Shane White (Univ. of Sydney)

Radcliffe College Schlesinger Library Awards, 1995–96

Ruth Alexander (Colorado State Univ.)

Janice Williams Rutherford (Louisiana State Univ.)

Woodrow Wilson Center Fellows, 1995–96

John Lewis Gaddis (Ohio Univ.)

James A. Henretta (Univ. of Maryland at College Park)

Herman Lebovics (State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook)

Seymour Lipset (George Mason Univ.)

Jon T. Sumida (Univ. of Maryland at College Park)

Edward H. Tenner (Princeton, N.J.)

Woodrow Wilson Foundation


Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellows, 1995

Emily S. Bingham (Univ. of North Carolina)

Paul Edison (Columbia Univ.)

Beatrix Hoffman (Rutgers Univ.)

Lynda E. Payne Bury (Univ. of California at Davis)

Warren Rosenblum (Univ. of Michigan)

Deirdre C. Weaver (Univ. of Wisconsin)