The American Association for the Study of Hungarian History awarded its 1988 Book Award to Mario Fenyo, professor of history, Fayetteville State University, for his work, Literature and Political Change: Budapest, 1908–1918.
Eric Foner, professor of history, Columbia University, received a 1988 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for his work, Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877.
The American Society for Ethnohistory awarded its Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin Prize to Helen Hornbeck Tanner of the Newberry Library and her collaborators, Adele Hast, J. Peterson, R. Surtees, and M. Pinther for the Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History.
Patrick Bates Nolan has accepted the position of executive administrator for the Hagley Museum and LIbrary’s Center for History of Business, Technology, and Society.
The United States Department of Interior awarded Frederick L. Rath Jr., Cooperstown, NY a Conservation Service Award for forty years of leadership in historic preservation and interpretation programs.
Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau, professor of history, University of Louiseville, received the Distinguished Teaching Professor Award by the University of Louisville for Career Teaching Excellence.
The Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies awarded a two-year Membership Award to Mary Lee Townsend, assistant professor, Univeristy of Tulsa for 1989–90.
Robin W. Winks, professor of history, Yale University, also received a Conservation Service Award from the United States Department of Interior, for valuable service as consultant to the Park Service in the last decade.
Council for the International Exchange of Scholars
1988–89 Fulbright Scholars
(Funding was provided by the United States Information Agency)
American History. Richard M. Abrams, prof. history, University of California, Berkeley; Barry Richard Burg, prof. history, Arizona State University, Tempe; Hamilton Cravens, prof. history, Iowa State University, Ames; Joan Marie Crouse, prof. history, Hilbert College; Roger Daniels, prof. history, University of Cincinnati; Melvyn Dubofsky, prof. history, SUNY-Binghamton; Ronald P. Formisano, prof. history, Clark University; Paul George Hummasti, visiting asst. prof. history, University of Oregon, Eugene; James Wesley Johnson, assoc. prof. history and political science, Alabama A & M University; Ronald Mayberry Johnson, prof. history, Georgetown University; James Tyler Patterson, prof. history, Brown University; William Andrew Pencak, assoc. prof. history, Pennsylvania State University; Theda Perdue, prof. history, University of Kentucky; Barbara Ann Peterson, Prof. history, University of Hawaii; Merrill D. Peterson, prof. emer. history, University of Virginia; William Beatty Pickett, prof. humanities and social sciences, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Gerald Eugene Poyo, research assoc., University of Texas, San Antonio; Donald J. Proctor, prof. social sciences, University of Michigan, Dearborn; Paul Herbert Tedesco, prof. emer. history, Northeastern University; Stanley Herbert Vittoz, visiting asst. prof. history, York University, Canada; John Raymond Wennersten, prof. social sciences, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Gregory Robert Zieren, visiting asst. prof. history, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Non-United States History. Charles Wylie Bergquist, prof. history, Duke University; Christopher Robert Browning, prof. history, Pacific Lutheran University; Frederick B. Chary, prof. history and philosophy, Indiana University, Gary; Lawrence A. Clayton, prof. Latin American studies, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; Geoffrey Campbell Cocks, prof history, Albion College; David Paul Daniel, assoc. prof. historical theology, Concordia Seminary; Daniel J. Greenberg, asst. prof. history, University of Idaho, Moscow; Barbara Ann Hanawalt, prof. history, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Ravi Kalia, adjct. asst. prof. history, University of North Carolina, Wilmington; Jonathan B. Knudsen, assoc. prof. history, Wellesley College; David G. LaFrance, asst. prof. history, Oregon State University, Corvallis; Erick D. Langer, asst. prof. history, Carnegie-Mellon University; Lawrence W. Levine, prof. history, University of California, Berkeley; Norman Levine, prof. history, University of Maryland, College Park; Michael Robert Maas, asst. prof. history, Rice University; Karl Andrew Roider, Jr., prof. history, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; John William Rooney, Jr., assoc. prof. history, Marquette University; Alberto Sbacchi, prof. history, Atlantic Union College; Patricia Seed, assoc. prof. history, Rice University; William H. Sewell, Jr., prof. history, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; David Jon Travis, asst. prof. history, University of Washington, Seattle; Frank Richard Trombley, asst. prof. history, Georgetown University; Margaret Leigh Venzke, asst. prof. history, Loyola College, Baltimore.