Editor’s note: Due to space constraints, the Members column of Perspectivesis limited to carrying news of AHA members only. Members of the Association are encouraged to send in news of themselves and others to the editor for inclusion in upcoming Members columns. Send your information to: Editor, Perspectives, American Historical Association, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003.
John T. Alexander, professor of history, University of Kansas, will receive the Byron Caldwell Smith Award for his work Catherine the Great: Life and Legend.
Bernard Bailyn, professor of history, Harvard University, and former AHA president was awarded the newly instituted Society of the Cincinnati Prize a triennnial award of $5,000 for his book Voyagers to the West.
The Ohio Humanities Council has announced the retirement of the Council’s Executive Director Charles C. Cole. Dr. Cole will assume the title of Executive Director Emeritus.
Carol Gluck, George Sansom Professor of History, Columbia University has been awarded a Great Teacher Award from Columbia University.
Richard L. Greaves was named Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of History and Courtesy Professor of Religion at Florida State University, Tallahassee.
Kathryn Allamong Jacob, formerly of the Senate Historical Office has accepted the position as chief archivist of the ACC Italy Project, National Archives.
The Spanish Ministry of Culture awarded one of two “Spain and America in the Quincentennial of the Discovery” manuscript prizes toJames A. Lewis, professor of history, Western Carolina University for his work, “The Final Campaign: Rise and Fall of the Spanish Bahamas, 1782-1783”.
Diana E. Long, formerly director of the Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine has taken the position as director of Women’s Studies, University of Southern Maine and Nancy J. Tomes, associate professor of history, SUNY-Stony Brook has been named acting director of the Wood Institute.
Robert A. Nye, professor of history, University of Oklahoma has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 1989-90 and will be a senior fellow at the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis.
Steven Riess of Northeastern Illinois University has won the University of Texas’ 1989 Webb-Smith Essay Contest for his work, “Professional Sports as an Avenue of Social Mobility in America: Some Myths and Realities”.
The Wiener Library of London has awarded its 1989 Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History to Margaret F. Stieg, University of Alabama for her research on public libraries in Nazi Germany.
The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1989 Fellowships
Jean-Christophe Agnew, assoc. prof. American stud./history, Yale University
Roger S. Bagnall, prof. classics/history, Columbia University
Judith M. Bennett, assoc. prof. history, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
William H. Chafe, prof. history, Duke University
Stanley Chojnacki, prof. history, Michigan State University
Marcia L. Colish, prof. history, Oberlin College.
Erich S. Gruen, prof. history/classics, University of California, Berkeley and 1988 AHA James H. Breasted Prize recipient
Steven Hahn, prof. history, University of California, San Diego
Tony Judt, prof. history, New York University
Carol F. Karlsen, assoc. prof. history/women’s stud., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kenneth F. Kiple, prof. history, Bowling Green State University
Thomas F. Kselman, assoc. prof. history, University of Notre Dame
Walter LaFeber, prof. history, Cornell University
Emmet Larkin, prof. history, University of Chicago
Peggy K. Liss, scholar, Washington, DC
Joseph L. Love, prof. history/dir. Ctr. for Latin American and Caribbean Stud., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Theodore M. Porter, asst. prof. history, University of Virginia
David L. Ransel, prof. history/women’s stud., Indiana University and editor, American Historical Review.
Evelyn S. Rawski, prof. history/international studies research prof., University of Pittsburgh
David Rock, prof. history, University of California, Santa Barbara
Charles E. Rosenberg, prof. history of science, University of Pennsylvania
Roy Rosenzweig, assoc. prof. history, George Mason University
Vera Schwarcz, prof. East Asian stud., Wesleyan University
Huntington Library Fellowships 1989
NEH-Huntington Fellow
George Billias, prof. history, Clark University
Huntington-Fletcher Jones Fellows
Thomas C. Cox, assoc. prof. history, University of Southern California
Anne F. Hyde, asst. prof. history, Louisiana State University
Mavis Mate, prof. history, University of Oregon, Salem
Rina Palumbo, scholar, The Johns Hopkins University
Daniel A. Statt, asst. prof. history, Auburn University
Huntington-Haynes Foundation Fellows
William B. Friedricks, asst. prof. history, Simpson College
David G. Gutierrez, asst. prof. history, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
James H. Madison, assoc. prof. history, Indiana University
Judith Raftery, asst. prof. history, California State University, Chico
The Institute for Advanced Study 1989-90 Visiting Members
Alan E. Bernstein, assoc. prof. history, University of Arizona
Lawrence M. Bryant, assoc. prof. history, University of California, Chico
Owen S. Connelly, Jr., prof. history, University of South Carolina, Columbia
Brendan Dooley, prof. Venezia-Mestre, Italy
R. Burr Litchfield, prof. history, Brown University
James Muldoon, prof. history, Rutgers University, Camden
James Powell, prof. history, Syracuse University
Mary Lee Townsend, asst. prof. history, University of Tulsa
National Research Council
1989 Ford Foundation Minority Scholars Postdoctoral Program Fellow
David G. Gutierrez, asst. prof. history, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Predoctoral Program Fellow
Matthew J. Countryman at Duke University
Dissertation Program Fellow
Andrea Y. Huginnie at Yale University
The Newberry Library
NEH-Newberry Fellows
David D. Bien, prof. history, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Louise C. Wade, prof. history, University of Oregon, Eugene
Lewis Fellow in American History
James A. Grossman, asst. prof. history, University of Chicago
British Academy/Newberry Exchange Fellow
Paul F. Gehl, Wing Collection, Newberry Library
Smith Center for the History of Cartography Fellow
Walter Goffart, prof. history, University of Toronto
Columbian Quincentennial Fellows
Gerald Theisen, assoc. prof. history, Clark College
John A. Williams, prof. history, Appalachian State University/dir. Appalachian Study Ctr
Short-Term Fellows
John M. Burney, assoc. prof. history, Loras College
Victoria Chandler, assoc. prof. history, Georgia College
Ellen Eslinger, asst. prof. history, James Madison University
James Gump, assoc. prof. history, University of San Diego
Brian C. Hosmer, grad. student, University of Texas, Austin
Suellen Hoy, adjunct. prof. history, University of Notre Dame
Carol F. Karlsen, assoc. prof. history, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ellen Litwicki, grad. student, University of Virginia
June Namias, lec. history, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joyce E. Salisbury, assoc. prof. history, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Karen Sawislak, grad. student, Yale University
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Visiting Scholars
Barbara M. Solomon, prof. emer., Havard University
Joan G. Zimmerman, scholar, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Rural Policy Fellow
Susan L. Smith, Ph.D. cand., University of Wisconsin, Madison