Urban History Association
1991 Prizes for Scholarly Distinction
David T. Beito, Univ. of Nevada at Las Vegas, best scholarly journal article in urban history
Karen L. Sawislak, Stanford Univ., best dissertation in urban history
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
1991 Charlotte Newcombe Fellowship Winners
Catherine A. Brekus, Yale Univ.
Katherine J. Gill, Princeton Univ.
Bradley J. Gundlach, Univ. of Rochester
Robert J. Naeher, Univ. of Connecticut
Woodrow Wilson Research Grants in Women’s Studies
Glenda Gilmore, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Nancy Hunt, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Leisa Meyer, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Tracey Weis, Rutgers Univ.