Publication Date

October 1, 2003

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

Under the bylaws pursuant to Article VIII, Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the constitution, the executive director invites all members of the Association to submit to her, on or before January 14, 2004, recommendations for the following offices:

President-elect (by rotation, U.S.)

Vice President of the Professional Division (oversight of the division, member of the Council)

Council, two positions (governance of the AHA)

Professional Division, one position (rights and responsibilities of historians, professional conduct, job market, data collection and analysis, and professional service prizes)

Research Division, one position (priorities in support of research and new research tools, relationships with archivists, librarians, and other organizations, policy oversight of research grants and fellowships, book prizes, AHR, and annual meeting)

Teaching Division, one position (teaching in AHA activities and publications, history curriculum, new methods of instruction and cooperation, history education, and pamphlets, and policy oversight of teaching prizes)

Committee on Committees, one position (nominations for large number of Association committees, including book awards and prizes, delegates)

Nominating Committee, three positions (nominations for all elective posts)

All suggestions received will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee for consideration at its meeting in February 2004. Present membership of the Council and elective committees is as follows with open positions indicated by the year (terms expire in January) and name in bold italic lettering:


2004 Lynn Hunt, UCLA (France, early modern Europe, late modern Europe, cultural history, gender), immediate past president

2005 James M. McPherson, Princeton Univ. (Civil War and Reconstruction, slavery and antislavery, race relations in American history), president

2006 Jonathan D. Spence, Yale Univ. (history of China from the later 16th century to the present, Chinese foreign relations, Western perceptions of China, Chinese experiences in the West), president-elect

2004 William A. Weber, California State Univ. at Long Beach (modern Europe, social history of music, preparation and professional development of teachers), vice president, Teaching Division

2005 William J. Cronon, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (U.S. environmental, U.S. West, frontier), vice president, Professional Division

2006 Roy Rosenzweig, George Mason Univ. (19th- and 20th-century U.S. history; history and new media; public history; social, cultural, labor, urban, and oral history), vice president, Research Division

2004 Maureen Murphy Nutting, North Seattle Community Coll. (U.S. history, American women, Latin America, world, transnational identity issues, teaching history, American religious)

2004 David Harris Sacks, Reed Coll. (early modern Britain and Europe, Atlantic world, European urban history, history of political and ethical thought, relations between history and other social science and humanities disciplines)

2005 Victoria A. Harden, National Institutes of Health (history of biomedical research policy in U.S., history of infectious diseases, history of biomedical instrumentation)

2005 Stefan Tanaka, Univ. of California at San Diego (modern Japan, historiography, non-Western constructions of identity, intercultural relations)

2006 Quintard Taylor Jr., Univ. of Washington (African American, American West)

2006 Myrna Ivonne Wallace Fuentes, Duke Univ. (modern Latin America, working class, intellectual)



2004 Susan Mosher Stuard, Haverford Coll. (medieval, women's history and history of gender, social and economic history, historiography)

2005 Peter Charles Hoffer, Univ. of Georgia (early American, legal)

2006 Denise J. Youngblood, Univ. of Vermont (Russia/USSR, modern European cultural history, East European nationalities and nationalism, film and history, war and society, cultural globalization)


2004 Louis A. Pérez Jr., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Latin America, Caribbean, Cuba)

2005 Lawrence Wolff, Boston Coll. (eastern Europe, Enlightenment, Habsburg monarchy, Mediterranean, history of childhood and family, European intellectual and cultural history)

2006 Karen Ordahl Kupperman, NYU (early modern Atlantic, colonial America, American Indian)


2004 Marguerite (Peggy) Renner, Glendale (Calif.) Community Coll. (American history of women, history of education, U. S. social)

2005 Keith C. Barton, Univ. of Cincinnati (slavery, historiography and historical method, education)

2006 Joan Arno, Central High School, Philadelphia (world, post-World War II Japan, America, geography)


Committee on Committees

2004 Jerry H. Bentley, Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoa (world, early modern Europe)

2005 Carole K. Fink, Ohio State Univ. (European international history, 20th-century Europe, historiography)

2006 Peter Guardino, Indiana Univ. (Latin America, Mexico, political culture)

2006 Elaine Tyler May, Univ. of Minnesota (20th-century U.S.: Cold War, politics, women, family, sexuality)

Nominating Committee

2004 Joyce Chaplin, Harvard Univ. (early America and Caribbean, early modern science, race, Atlantic, frontier)

2004 Peter Fritzsche, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (European social and cultural, Germany, memory and modernity, historiography)

2004 Peter Kolchin, Univ. of Delaware (19th-century U.S., U.S. South, slavery and emancipation, comparative)

2005 Alice L. Conklin, Univ. of Rochester (modern France, modern Africa, 20th-century Europe, European colonialism, intellectual and cultural history)

2005 Patricia Nelson Limerick, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder (western American, ethnic, environmental, comparative colonialism)

2005 Anand A. Yang, Univ. of Washington (South Asia, comparative, Asian American, world)

2006 Paula Findlen, Stanford Univ. (early modern Europe, Renaissance Italy, history of science and medicine)

2006 Michael J. Gonzales, Northern Illinois Univ. (modern Latin America, revolution, labor, and social, especially Mexico and the Andean region)

2006 Kenneth Pomeranz, Univ. of California at Irvine (late imperial and modern Chinese social, economic and cultural, comparative and world)

See also the ballot material for the 2003 elections that was mailed to the membership in late August, the slate of which was published in the April 2003 Perspectives.

Suggestions should be submitted to Arnita A. Jones, Executive Director, AHA, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889. Please specify academic or other position and field of the individual; include also a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications for the particular position for which you are recommending the person.

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