Publication Date

October 1, 1991

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities

Under the bylaws pursuant to Article VIII, Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the constitution, the executive director invites all members of the Association to submit to him, on or before December 15, recommendations for the following offices: president-elect; vice-president of the Professional Division; two Council members; one member each for the Professional, Research, and Teaching divisions; one member for the Committee on Committees; and three members of the Nominating Committee. All suggestions received will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee for consideration at its meeting next February.

Present membership of the Council and elective committees is as follows with open positions indicated by the year and name in bold italic lettering:



William E. Leuchtenburg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, president (term expires December 1991)

Frederic E. Wakeman, Jr., University of California, Berkeley, president-elect (1991)

David Herlihy, Brown University, immediate past president (1991)

Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau, University of Louisville, vice-president, Teaching Division (1991)

Susan Socolow, Emory University, vice-president, Professional Division (1992)

Blanche Wiesen Cook, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY, vice-president, Research Division (1993)

Margaret Strobel, University of Illinois, Chicago (1991)

Martin J. Wiener, Rice University (1991)

Barbara Hanawalt, University of Minnesota (1992)

Robert L. Kelley, University of California, Santa Barbara (1992)

Carole K. Fink, Ohio University (1993)

Nell Irvin Painter, Princeton University (1993)

Divisional Committee Members



David M. Katzman, University of Kansas (1991)

Barbara Alpern Engel, University of Colorado, Boulder (1992)

Anand Yang, University of Utah (1993)


Constance B. Schulz, University of South Carolina (1991)

David H. Stam, Syracuse University (1992)

Claudia Koonz, Duke University (1993)


Barbara J. Harris, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1991)

Robert Brent Toplin, University of North Carolina, Wilmington (1992)

James Adomanis, Annapolis (MD) Middle School (1993)

Committee on Committees

Stanley G. Payne, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1991)

Carole Shammas, University of California, Riverside (1992)

Keith M. Baker, Stanford University (1993)

Susan E. Ramirez, DePaul University (1993)

Nominating Committee

Angeliki Laiou, Dumbarton Oaks (1991)

Gary B. Nash, University of California, Los Angeles (1991)

Barbara N. Ramusack, University of Cincinnati (1991)

Pete Daniel, National Museum of American History (1992)

Patrick Geary, University of Florida (1992)

Arvarh E. Strickland, University of Missouri, Columbia (1992)

Rudolph Bell, Rutgers University (1993)

Nancy A. Hewitt, University of South Florida (1993)

Rebecca J. Scott, University of Michigan (1993)


See also the ballot material for the 1991 elections that was mailed to the membership last month, the slate of which was published in the April 1991 Perspectives. Suggestions should be submitted to the Executive Director, AHA, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. Please specify academic or other position and field of the individual; include also a brief statement of his or her qualifications for the particular position for which you are recommending the person.