Publication Date

February 20, 2007

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

In the National Coalition for History’s (NCH) latest online newsletter, director Lee White reports on how the budget passed by Congress on February 14th provides good news for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the Department of Education’s “Teaching American History” initiative, and others.

Also, read about the web site, The Presidential Timeline of the Twentieth Century, created by the National Archives and put up yesterday, President’s Day, February 19th. Twelve presidential libraries contributed to the site and provided audio, video, photos, and documents from their collections.

Find all of this, as well as blurbs on the National Archives Freedman’s Bureau Records Project, Oliver North and the Smithsonian, the Bits & Bites section, and a link to an article of interest in the NCH’s latest online newsletter.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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