Publication Date

March 1, 1995

Perspectives Section


Consortium for Research on Violence

The National Science Foundation (NSF) plans to fund a national consortium for research on violence. The NSF hopes that the consortium, which will support collaborative research among scholars from different disciplines, will play a leadership role in advancing knowledge about violence and in training future generations of researchers. According to the NSF’s plans, the consortium will

  • develop integrated theories of violent behavior based on contributions from a variety of disciplines;
  • foster interdisciplinary scientific expertise;
  • support collaborative methodological research;
  • create a knowledge base for designing intervention and prevention strategies;
  • encourage undergraduate, predoctoral, and postdoctoral training, and other forms of intellectual exchange across disciplines; and
  • support productive interaction among social and behavioral scientists and policy makers, administrators, and professionals who work in communities.

An electronic mailing list has been set up to help disseminate information about the proposed consortium and to allow researchers from different disciplines to share information about their interests. To be added to the mailing list, send a request to: Those interested in serving as consortium directors should submit a letter of intent of no more than three pages by March 15, 1995. Nonsubmission of a letter of intent does not preclude an investigator from submitting a proposal. It is anticipated that May 1, 1995, will be the deadline for proposal submissions. For more information, contact Patricia White, Coordinator for the Consortium for Violence Research, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Rm. 995, Arlington, VA 22230. Fax (703) 306-0485. E-mail:

Human Capital Initiative

Under its new program, “The Human Capital Initiative,” the National Science Foundation invites proposals for research about the psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to the development of productive citizens. The NSF hopes that the initiative will ultimately help to make public policy better informed by social and behavioral science research.

Major research projects, pilot projects, and workshops that concentrate on workplace issues, education, families, neighborhoods, disadvantage, or poverty are eligible for support. Approximately 60 awards will be made in fiscal 1995. The awards will average about $100,000, with a typical duration of three years. The NSF is particularly interested in interdisciplinary projects.

All proposals should be well grounded in relevant theory and should explain how the proposed research will contribute to the enhancement of that theory. In addition, proposals should outline and justify the research methods to be used. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposals and expected budgets with an NSF program officer. Application deadline August 15, 1995. For details, contact Bonney Sheahan or Daniel H. Newlon, Coordinators for Human Capital Research, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230. (703) 306-1733. Fax (703) 306-0485/0486.