Publication Date

January 11, 2008

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

Following the unanimous approval of the AHA Council and the AHA Business meeting in January, voting on proposed changes to the AHA Constitution is now underway for AHA members.

The Proposed Revisions to the AHA Constitution document, prepared by AHA staff color-codes the changes and also includes “pro and con” statements about the proposed revisions. Additions to the Constitution appear in blue, proposed deletions are in red, and “pro and con” statements are in green. The “Pro” statements were compiled from staff and Council discussions about the changes over the past 18 months, supplemented by comments received in an online discussion forum this past fall. The “Con” statements were also synthesized from comments submitted to the discussion forum. We hope AHA members will take a moment to review these pro and con statements before they vote.

On Friday morning, AHA members were emailed an election validation number and a link to the voting site to cast their votes. The deadline for voting is January 31,2008. The proposed changes would fundamentally alter the slate of candidates submitted to members this fall, so the fate of these changes needs to be determined in time for the Nominating Committee meeting in early February. Please note that regardless of the changes, the Nominating Committee is still accepting nominations for potential candidates as well.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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