Publication Date

November 1, 2001

Perspectives Section


Editor's Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome; entries will be published in alphabetical order. To submit an entry, write to Cecelia J. Dadian, Senior Editor, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.

Ryan J. Carey (Univ. of Texas, Austin) has received a 2001 Hill Research Grant from the James J. Hill Library to facilitate his scholarly research on a project entitled “Building a Better Oregon: Landscape Perception and Economic Development.”

Lizabeth Cohen (Harvard Univ.) was awarded a 2001–02 fellowship from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard to complete her book, “A Consumer’s Republic: The Politics of Mass consumption in Postwar America.” Her book, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919–1939, was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 1991.

Andreas Daum (German Historical Inst., Washington, D.C.) was awarded a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship for 2001–02 by Harvard University and the German Academic Exchange Service for conducting research at the Center for European Studies of Harvard University.

Joseph M. Hennig (Saint Vincent Coll.) has been awarded the Stuart L. Bernath Prize of the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations for his book, Outposts of Civilization: Race, Religion, and the Formative Years of American-Japanese Relations (NYU Press, 2000), a diplomatic study of American-Japanese relations during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Michael W. Homel (Eastern Michigan Univ.) has published Unlocking City Hall: Exploring the History of Local Government and Politics with Krieger Publishing Co., as part of their Exploring Community History series, edited by David Kyvig (Univ. of Akron) and Myron Marty.

Asuncion Lavrin (Arizona State Univ.) has received a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship for the academic year 2002–03 for a project on “Masculinity and the Religious Orders in Colonial Mexico.” She has also received a 2002 NEH Summer Institute for College and University Professors Grant with codirector K. Lynn Stoner. The Institute’s topic is: Hispanic Gendering of the Americas: Beyond Cultural and Geographical Boundaries.

Afsaneh Najmabadi (Harvard Univ.) was awarded a 2001–02 fellowship from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard to complete the manuscript for “Male Lions and Female Suns: The Gendered Tropes of Iranian Modernity,” a book on 19th-century cultural transformation. She will also work on a new project, “Genealogies of Iranian Feminism.”

Jeffrey Perry (independent scholar) is the editor of “A Hubert Harrison Reader,” (Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2001).

Charles C. Williams (De Anza Coll.) was elected vice president of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) at the general assembly meeting held as part of the XXI International Congress of History of Science in Mexico City in July 2001. The organization’s newly elected president is Professor Alexander Herlea from France, who succeeds Carroll Pursell ( Case Western Reserve Univ.).

Arthur H. Williamson (California State Univ., Sacramento) has published with Paul J. McGinnis (California State Univ., Sacramento)George Buchanan: The Political Poetry (Scottish History Society, 2000). The volume undertakes a major reassessment of Buchanan as a political theorist as well as making much of his difficult Latin poetry accessible for the first time.

Lawrence S. Wittner (State Univ. of New York, Albany) has been awarded a senior fellowship for 2002 by the United States Institute of Peace for work on the final volume of his trilogy, The Struggle Against the Bomb (Stanford Univ. Press).

Hagley Museum and Library's Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society has awarded grants and fellowships in 2000 to the following AHA members:

Glen Asner (Carnegie Mellon Univ.) received a Henry Belin du Pont Dissertation Fellowship for his research on “Navigating the Cold War Economy: Corporate Strategy and Commercial Innovation, 1945–1975.”

Molly McCarthy (Brandeis Univ.) received a Hagley-Winterthur Fellowship for Research on “Redeeming the Day: The History of the Daily Diary in America.”

Krystyn Moon (Johns Hopkins Univ.) received a Hagley-Winterthur Fellowship for research on “From ‘John Chinaman’ to ‘Japanese Sandman’: China and Japan in American Music, 1850–1920.”

Research Grants from Hagley Museum and Library were awarded to:

Anne Boylan ( Univ. of Delaware) for “Popularizing Women’s History: The Dupont ‘Cavalcade of America’ Radio Program, 1935–1953.”

James Pardee Mokhiber (Johns Hopkins Univ.) for research on “Art Industriel, Metropolitan Reform, and Colonial Display at the International Exposition, 1851–1937.”

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