Editor’s Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in the newsletter as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome; entries will be published in alphabetical order according to date of receipt. To submit an entry, write to Cecelia J. Dadian, Senior Editor, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.
The following members are 1996-97 fellows of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars:
Roger P. Chickering (Georgetown Univ.)
Carter J. Eckert (Harvard Univ.)
Gerald H. Gamm (Univ. of Rochester)
Richard B. Grassby (independent scholar, N.Y.)
Gilbert M. Joseph (Yale Univ.)
Temma Kaplan (State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook)
John R. McNeill (Georgetown Univ.)
Steven Pincus (Univ. of Chicago)
Dorothy Ross (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Warren Treadgold (Florida International Univ.)
Joel W. Wolfe (Williams Coll.)
Among the 1996 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellows are the AHA members listed below:
George Reid Andrews (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Jane Caplan (Bryn Mawr Coll.)
George Chauncey (Univ. of Chicago)
Prasenjit Duara (Univ. of Chicago)
Robin L. Einhorn (Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Constantin Fasolt (Univ. of Chicago)
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Mack P. Holt (George Mason Univ.)
Allen Kulikoff (Northern Illinois Univ.)
Florencia Elizabeth Mallon (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison)
John R. McNeill (Georgetown Univ.)
Karen Hunger Parshall (Univ. of Virginia)
The following AHA members received 1996-97 American Antiquarian Society (AAS) awards:
AAS National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships:
Barbara E. Lacey (St. Joseph Coll.)
Philip D. Morgan (Florida State Univ.)
AAS Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships:
David W. Blight (Amherst Coll.)
Paul W. Foos (Yale Univ.)
Joanne Barrie Freeman (Univ. of Virginia)
Michael Sappol (Columbia Univ.)
AAS American Society for 18th-Century Studies Fellowship:
Geoffrey Plank (Univ. of Cincinnati)
The following AHA members are 1996-97 fellows of the National Humanities Center:
David Richard Armitage (Columbia Univ.)
George Chauncey (Univ. of Chicago)
Peter Angelo Coclanis (Univ. of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill)
Constantin Fasolt (Univ. of Chicago)
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Penny Marie Von Eschen (Univ. of Iowa)
Christopher Mark Waters (Williams Coll.)
The Massachusetts Historical Society awarded 1996-97 research fellowships to the following AHA members:
W. B. H. Dowse Fellowship:
Steven C. Bullock (Worcester Polytechnic Inst.)
Andrew B. Mellon Fellowships:
Anthony A. Iaccarino (Univ. of California at Los Angeles)
Peter Way (Univ. of Sussex, England)
Paul Revere Memorial Association Fellowship:
Wayne Bodle (Univ. of Iowa)
Benjamin F. Stevens Fellowship:
Daniel A. Cohen (Florida International Univ.)
Gettysburg College awarded 1996 Lincoln Prizes for the finest scholarly works in English on Abraham Lincoln or the American Civil War soldier to the following AHA members:
David Donald (Harvard Univ.), first prize, for Lincoln (Simon and Schuster)
Mark Grimsley (Ohio State Univ.), second prize, for The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861-65 (Cambridge Univ. Press)
Michael Fellman (Simon Fraser Univ.), finalist, for Citizen Sherman (Random House)
Mitchell G. Ash (Univ. of Iowa) has been awarded the Morris D. Forkosch Prize for the best book in the field of intellectual history published in 1995, for Gestalt in German Culture, 1890-1967: Holism and the Quest for Objectivity (Cambridge, 1995).
Christopher M. Bellito (St. Joseph’s Seminary) has been appointed assistant professor of church history at the Institute of Religious Studies and St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, in Yonkers, N.Y.; he also serves as the associate dean of the institute .
Lester H. Brune (Bradley Univ.) is editor of The Korean War: Handbook of the Literature or Research (Greenwood Press, 1996), which includes historiographic essays on diplomatic, military, and congressional aspects of the war era by a variety of international authorities.
Nicholas C. Burckel (Marquette Univ.) has been appointed by President Clinton to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Burckel has taught U.S. history and been a consultant to various colleges and universities across the country. He is president-elect of the Society of American Archivists and has extensive experience in historical records and publications.
Randall K. Burkett (Harvard Univ.) has been named a 1996 Research Fellow of the Bibliographical Society of America for a project entitled “Afro-American Publishing: Toward an Inclusive History of the Book, 1880-1950.”
Mark W. Chavalas (Univ. of Wisconsin at La Crosse) has edited Emar: The History, Religion, and Culture of a Syrian Town in the Late Bronze Age (COL Press, 1996).