Publication Date

May 1, 2003

Perspectives Section


Editor's Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome; entries will be published in alphabetical order. To submit an entry, write to David Darlington, Assistant Editor, AHA, 400 A Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.

Nancy C. Carnevale (independent scholar) has been awarded a 2003–04 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship to revise and publish her dissertation, “Living in Translation: Language and Italian Immigrants in the U.S., 1890–1945.”

Mary Gluck (Brown Univ.) and Robert Nemes (Colgate Univ.) were both awarded the 2002 article prize of the American Association for the Study of Hungarian History. Gluck’s article “The Modernist as Primitive: The Cultural Role of Endre Ady in Fin-de-Siècle Hungary” appeared in the Austrian History Yearbook, XXXIII (2002). Nemes’s article “The Politics of the Dance Floor: Culture and Civil Society in 19th-Century Hungary” appeared in Slavic Review 60:4 (Winter 2001).

Kenneth Gouwens (Univ. of Connecticut) won the 2002–03 Phyllis G. Gordan Rome Prize Fellowship in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies.

Sara Stidstone Gronim (Long Island Univ., C. W. Post) was awarded the 2001 Richard L. Morton Award for the best article in William and Mary Quarterly by an author in graduate studies at the time of submission. Gronim’s “Geography and Persuasion: Maps in British Colonial New York” was published in the April 2001 issue (58: 2, 373–402).

Michael P. Johnson (Johns Hopkins Univ.) was presented the prize for best article published in the William and Mary Quarterly in 2001 for his “Denmark Vesey and His Co-Conspirators,” published in October 2001 (58: 4, 915–76). The essay “raises large historical issues that transcend the immediate case of the Vesey conspiracy” and “provokes wide-ranging discussion.”

H. G. Jones (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), the Thomas Whitmell Davis Research Historian at Wilson Library, received the 2002 North Carolina Award for Public Service. The award annually recognizes “notable accomplishments by North Carolina citizens in the fields of scholarship, research, the fine arts, and public leadership. It is the highest honor the state can bestow.”

Margaret Power (Armour Coll., Illinois Institute of Tech.) recently published two books: Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle Against Allende, 1964–73 (Penn State Univ. Press) and Right-Wing Women: From Conservatives to Extremists Around the World (Routledge), co-edited with Paola Bacchetta.

Nancy Beck Young (McKendree Coll.) has been selected as the 2002 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Illinois Professor of the Year. The U.S. Professors of the Year program salutes the most outstanding undergraduate instructors in the country who excel as teachers and influence the lives and careers of their students. There is only one award winner per state. Young is currently completing her third book, Forgotten Feminist: Lou Henry Hoover as First Lady, which is about the wife of President Herbert Hoover, whose accomplishments Young said have been overshadowed by Eleanor Roosevelt. The book will be published in 2004.

The following AHA members received Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Their names are followed by their affiliation and dissertation title:

Rebecca M. Kluchin (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), “Sterilization and Reproductive Rights in America, 1964–84.”

Mireille L. Miller-Young (NYU), “A Taste for Brown Sugar: The History of Black Women in Pornography, 1880–the present.”

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission named the following AHA members to appointments in its Scholars in Residence program for 2002–03. The program is a competitive fellowship program that provides short term support for full-time research in commission research collections on topics broadly related to Pennsylvania history.

Joseph P. McKerns (Ohio State Univ.), “Dirty Faces and Tarnished Images: the American Press and the Anthracite Strike of 1902,” in residence at the Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum.

James Weeks (Penn State Univ., Hazelton), “Civil War Holdings at the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,” commission-wide residency.

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