Editor’s Note: The purpose of this column, which is published in Perspectives on History as space permits, is to recognize and honor the accomplishments of AHA members. Submissions are welcome; entries will be published in alphabetical order. To submit an entry, e-mail or write to Web Editor, AHA, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003-3889.
Ana Lucia Araujo (Howard Univ.) was tenured and promoted to the rank of associate professor in the history department at Howard University and she is also the new director of graduate studies. In 2011, Dr. Araujo edited the book Paths of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Interactions, Identities, and Images (Cambria Press, 2011). Most chapters published in this book are based on papers presented in the multi-session workshop Slaving Paths: Rethinking and Rebuilding the Atlantic Worlds convened by Dr. Araujo in 2010, during the AHA meeting held in San Diego.
Kelly Bush was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies-History in June 2011 by Northwestern University. After being invited to join the board of trustees at the Evanston History Center, her tenure as a trustee began July 1, 2011. She has also been invited to present her paper, titled “Romancing Victoria: Embracing Romantic Love and Marriage in Nineteenth-Century England”, at the 36th Annual European Studies Conference at the University of Nebraska-Omaha on October 6-8, 2011.
Amy Chazkel (City Univ. of New York) has just published Laws of Chance: Brazil’s Clandestine Lottery and the Making of Urban Public Life (Duke University Press, 2011). This spring, she was appointed to the doctoral faculty at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Patrice M. Dabrowski (Harvard Univ.) has been awarded a senior grant by the Thesaurus Poloniae Fellowship program of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, which is administered by the International Cultural Centre (ICC) in Cracow, Poland. While in residence at the ICC for three months in fall 2011, she will be working on several book-length projects dealing with Polish history as well as with the history of the Carpathian Mountains.
Peter C. Engleman (New York Univ.), associate editor of the Margaret Sanger Papers Project, has published A History of the Birth Control Movement in America with Praeger in May 2011.
Vanessa H. Gilyard (American Public Univ.) has been inducted as a member of the Gamma Omega chapter of the Sigma Iota Rho Honor Society for International Studies. Vanessa is currently pursuing her master of arts in History with a concentration in American history at American Public University.
C. Dallett Hemphill (Ursinus Coll.) has published the book Siblings: Brothers and Sisters in American History through Oxford University Press.
Richard John (Columbia Univ.) has been awarded the first Ralph Gomory Book Prize, from the Business History Conference (BHC), for his latest book, Network Nation: Inventing American Telecommunications.
Paul R. Katz (Inst. of Modern Hist.) has been awarded this year’s Hu Shih Memorial Chair, a major scholarly award given by Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
Frederic Krome (Univ. of Cincinnati) published a book, Fighting the Future War: An Anthology of Science Fiction War Stories, 1914–45 (Routledge, July 2011). Although the study of science fiction is normally the provenance of literature scholars, Krome’s book makes the case that Sci-Fi is a valuable source for the historian.
Felice Lifshitz (Univ. of Alberta) moved from her position as professor in the Department of History at Florida International University, to a professorship in the women’s studies program (and the university’s Campus Saint-Jean) at the University of Alberta.
James J. Lorence (Univ. of Wisconsin–Marathon County), professor emeritus of history, has been appointed senior fellow of the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service. The institute is housed on the campus of University of Wisconsin–Marathon County.
Joseph F. Patrouch (Univ. of Alberta) has moved from Florida International University to the University of Alberta where he will be a full professor in the Department of History & Classics and director of the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies.
Susan Roy has published her first book: Bomboozled: How the U.S. Government Misled Itself and Its People into Believing They Could Survive a Nuclear Attack. The publisher is Pointed Leaf Press. The book has its roots in the subject of her master’s thesis: “The Family Fallout Shelter during the Cold War.” She has an MA in Architectural History from Columbia University (2010).
Antonio Sotomayor (Univ. of Chicago) received the Mellon Foundation/Social Sciences Dissertation-Year Fellowship from the University of Chicago’s social science division to finish writing his dissertation in the academic year of 2011–12.
Carl J. Strikwerda (Coll. of William and Mary), professor of history and dean of Arts & Sciences, has taken a new position as president of Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, as of August 1, 2011.
Christopher Tomlins (Univ. of California, Irvine) has joined the new University of California law school at Irvine, where he is Chancellor’s Professor of Law. He took up the appointment in July 2009. From 1991 until 2009 he was a member of the research faculty of the American Bar Foundation in Chicago. His recent book, Freedom Bound: Law, Labor, and Civic Identity in Colonizing English America, 1580–1865 was a winner of the Bancroft Prize for 2011, and also of the 2011 Hurst Prize, awarded by the Law and Society Association.
Gleb Tsipursky (Ohio State Univ., Newark) has been appointed to the position of assistant professor of modern European history at Ohio State University, Newark.
William Benton Whisenhunt (Coll. of DuPage) just had published a reprint of Marguerite Harrison’s Marooned in Moscow by Russian Life Books. This new edition provides an introduction and footnotes by the editor as well as many photographs and archival material from the United States and Russia. Harrison was an American journalist and spy in early Soviet Russia who spent 10 months in a Bolshevik prison before she was released and wrote this engrossing account in 1921.