AHA members are encouraged to submit news about their careers, including prizes, promotions, honors, tenure, and new jobs. If you have an announcement that you would like to publish, please send it to Perspectives, with the subject line, “Member News.”
Cynthia E. Orozco, professor of history and humanities at Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) in Ruidoso, has been named interim curator of education at the Hubbard Museum of the American West. Orozco will conduct research on local and regional history in Lincoln County. Her research will be published in local newspapers and on the museum and university website. She will also provide public talks on Lincoln County at the Hubbard and at ENMU Ruidoso.
José G. Rigau-Pérez has publishedPuerto Rico en la conmoción de Hispanoamérica. Historia y cartas íntimas 1820–1823. The book analyzes the political and economic situation of Puerto Rico at a time of constitutional monarchy in Spain and insurrection in South America and presents 85 letters that left San Juan in June of 1823, but never reached their destinations in Spain. The letter writers were men and women; refugees in Puerto Cabello (Venezuela) surrounded by the Colombian army; residents of many towns on the island; farmers, merchants, and government employees; exiles from the wars of independence; and European Spaniards in search of fortune. They speak of domestic and commercial affairs, and many allude to the public events of the time, through each person’s experience.
Steven A. Usitalo, chair of the Department of History, Northern State University, recently published The Invention of Mikhail Lomonosov: A Russian National Myth (Academic Studies Press, 2013).