Caroline Walker Bynum, Columbia Univ. has assumed the positionof president of the American Catholic Historical Association.
Barbara Diefendorf, Boston Univ., won the 1992 New England Historical Association Book Award for Beneath the Cross: Catholics and Huguenots in Sixteenth-Century Paris (Oxford Univ. Press).
Evelyn Edson, Piedmont Virginia Comm. Coll., has been awarded a travel grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to study the world maps of St. Beatus of Liebana in Spain.
Janette Thomas Greenwood, Clark Univ., is the recipient of an Archie K. Davis Fellowship from the North Carolinian Society for 1992-93.
Louisa S. Hoberman, Univ. of Texas at Austin, received Second Prize of the “Spain and America in the Quincentenntial of the Discovery” Prize awarded by the Program of Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and the Universities of the United States for her book, Mexico’s Merchant Elite. 1590—1660: Silver, State, and Society (Duke Univ. Press. 1991).
Robert L. Hoover, California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo, is the recipient of an Award of Distinction from the California Council for the Promotion of History for his ”years of work on behalf of California’s historical resources.”
Harold Hyman, Rice Univ., was named to the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr. Devise that administers funds left to the nation by the former U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
Herbert F. Janick received the 1992 Homer D. Babbidge, Jr., Memorial Award from the Association for the Study of Connecticut History, in recognition of his distinguished work in the field.
Roger Lane, Haverford Coll., received the Urban History Association’s award for best book in urban history published in 1991, for William Dorsey’s Philadelphia and Ours: On the Past and Future of the Black City in America.
David J. O’Brien, Coll. of the Holy Cross, is the recipient of the American Catholic Historical Association’s John Gilmary Shea Prize for Isaac Hecker: An American Catholic (Paulist Press, 1992).
John L. Parascandola, National Inst. of Health, has been appointed to the newly created position of historian for the U.S. Public Health Service.
Martha D. Pollak, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, is the recipient of the 18th annual Howard R. Marraro Prize of the American Catholic Historical Association, for Turin 1564-1680: Urban Design, Military Culture, and the Creation of the Absolutist Capital (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1991).
Clark G. Reynolds, Univ. of Chadeston, is the recipient of the Samuel Eliot Morison Award in Naval Literature from the New York Commandery, Naval Order of the United States for his book, Admiral John H. Tawers: The Struggle for Nava1 Air Supremacy (Naval Inst. Press).
Rev. Lawrence Riveroll is the recipient of an Award of Meritorius Performance from the California Council for the Promotion of History for his work on the restoration of EI Camp Santo Cemetery in San Diego.
Scott A. Sandage, doctoral candidate at Rutgers Univ., was awarded the 1993 Louis Pelzer Memorial Award by the Organization of American Historians, and the 1992 Bryant Spann Memorial Prize by the Eugene V. Debs Foundation. Both prizes were conferred for his article, “A Marble House Divided: The Lincoln Memorial, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Politics of Memory. 1939-1963.”
Eric Todd Sandwels, St. Louis Historical Society, received the Urban History Association’s award for best dissertation in urban history for “Construction and Community in South St. Louis, 1850-1910.”
Patricia Seed, Rice Univ., received the prize for best article published in the William and Mary Quarterly in 1992 for “Taking Possession and Reading Texts: Establishing the Authority of Overseas Empire.”
Neal R. Shipley, Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst, was elected president of the New England Historical Association (1993-94).
Denis Sinor, Indiana Univ., has been honored by the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland with the establishment of the “Denis Sinor Medal for Inner Asian Studies.”
John David Smith, North Carolina State Univ., has been appointed Alumni Distinguished Professor of History.
Bruce M. Stave, Univ.of Connecticut-Storrs, was elected vice president of the New England Historical Association (1993-94).
Julie Hardwick, Gettysburg Coll., was awarded a Fellowship for College Teachers and Independent Scholars from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
J. William Fulbright Awards for Study Abroad
Academics, Professionals, and Independent Scholars
Richard B. Allen, independent scholar
Jere L. Bacharach, Univ. of Washington
Joel S. Beinin, Stanford Univ.
Laird W. Bergad, Lehman Coll., CUNY
Jackie R. Booker, Norfolk State Univ.
Barbara J. Brooks, City Coll., CUNY
Dianne E, Farrell, Moorhead State Univ.
Charles A. Hale, Univ. of Iowa
James D. Henderson, Coastal Carolina Coll.
Milo E. Kearney, Univ. of Texas, Brownsville
Pierre-Henri Laurent, Tufts Univ.
Rudi P. Lindner, Univ. of Michigan
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, Athens State Coll.
James W. Miller, Univ. of Arkansas, Little Rock
Susan G. Miller, Harvard Univ.
Gene A. Muller, EI Paso Comm. Coll.
Muriel S. Nazzari, Indiana Univ.
Francis R. Nicosia, St. Michael’s Coll.
Jeanne M. Penvenne, Boston Univ.
Pamela B. Radcliff, California State Univ. San Bernardino
Charles G. H. Schaefer, Univ. of Chicago
Ward A. Stavig, Univ. of California, Davis
Jeanne M. Toungara, Univ. of Virginia
Constantine N. Vaporis, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County
Thomas A. Wilson, Hamilton Coll.
Graduate Students
Paul Allen, Yale Univ.
Thomas Dandelet, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Richard Follett, Washington Univ., St. Louis
Gina Hames, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Rita A. Krueger, Harvard Univ.
Krista O’Donnell, Binghamton Univ.
David Routt, Ohio State Univ.
Robert Sullivan, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Harold Tanner, Columbia Univ.
Camilla Townsend, no affiliation
Richard Welkart, Univ. of Iowa
Elisabeth Wengler, Boston Coll.
David Young, Ohio State Univ.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellowships
Keith M. Anderson, Harvard Univ.
Kathryn J. Burns, Harvard Univ.
Nancy A. Caclola, Univ. of Michigan
Sarah B. Gordon, Princeton Univ.
Richard A. Grounds, Princeton Theological Seminary
Christopher H. Hallett, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Joan E. Judge, Columbia Univ.
Ted V. McAllister, Vanderbilt Univ.
Daniel Perls, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Peterson, Univ. of Oregon
Pamela R. Sakomoto, Tufts Univ.
Daniel W. Stowell, Univ. of Florida
Spencer Dissertation-Year Fellowships/or Research Related to Education
Michael S. Fox, Yale Univ.
Hal E. Hansen, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison
Kathryn L. Nasstrom, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1992 Women’s Studies Doctoral Grant
Ruth Feldstein, Brown Univ.
Gina Hames, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
National Research Council Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities Program
Graduate Fellows
Arlene J. Diaz, Univ. of Minnesota
Luis A. Gonzalez, Univ. of Minnesota
Rachel E. Harding, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Marvin E. McAllister, Northwestern Univ.
Zachary R. Morgan, Brown Univ.
Michael R. West, Columbia Univ.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Neil F. Foley, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Tera W. Hunter, Duke Univ.
Teresita Martinez-Vergne, Univ. of Minnesota
Brad G. Williams, Fordham Univ.
National Humanities Center Fellowships
Susan Porter Benson, Univ. of Missouri at Columbia
Donald E. Crummey, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
J. William Harris, Univ. of New Hampshire
Gilbert M. Joseph, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
LI Bozhong, Zhejiang Acad. of Social Sciences
Michael R. Maas, Rice Univ.
Edward W. Muir, Louisiana State Univ.
Robert W. Smith, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Richard E. Spear, Oberlin Coll.
Leo Spitzer, Dartmouth Coll.
Oldrich Tuma, Czechoslovak Acad. of Sciences