Publication Date

November 1, 1999

Perspectives Section

In Memoriam

Homer Vincent Rutherford, professor emeritus of history, University of Winnipeg and United College Fellow, died December 10, 1998, in Winnipeg.

Professor Rutherford was born in Portland, Oregon, on August 14, 1921, the elder child of Archibald Perry Rutherford and Edith Lucile (Altnow) Rutherford. He is survived by his sister Frances Benthin of Scio, Oregon, and her family.

Professor Rutherford received his BA and PhD in history from the University of California at Berkeley. He was the recipient of a Ford Foundation Faculty Fellowship and a Fulbright Scholarship. Professor Rutherford taught at Washburn University of Topeka (Kansas) and Wisconsin State College until in 1959, when he came to United College as chair of the department of history. At the University of Winnipeg and United College, he served on almost every standing committee of the Faculty of Arts and Science and of the Senate. His principle academic interest remained the history of Britain and most of the courses he taught related to British and European history. He formally retired from the university in September 1990.

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