Publication Date

February 14, 2011

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

Android App Museums in Washington DCOur last “History, There’s an App for That” post exclusively featured iPhone apps, to the chagrin of Android phone users. Since that post the Android Market has gone live online, making it much easier to search for Android apps. We’ve scoured this new resource and collected a number of apps historians may be interested in. While it does appear that iPhone still has a wider and better selection of history apps, Android history apps are at least now more available.

What have we left out? Do you use Android or iPhone apps as a historian or in the classroom? Let us know in the comments what you like and use.

Android History Apps

  • Books
    • Google Books (Free) provides access to 3 million free books as well as ebooks you can buy.
    • Kindle (Free) offers some free books and a wide selection of recent titles.
    • Reference
      • United States Constitution (Free) includes timelines, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Gettysburg Address.

Android App National Archives

  • Wikidroid (Free) or Wikidroid Plus ($2) allows you to access Wikipedia in a format easier to use on your phone.
  • FactBook (Free) offers access to info from the CIA World Fact Book and the United Nations.


  • Tools
    • Document Scanner ($3.98) allows you to scan documents with your phone’s camera and convert them to PDFs.

Android App New York Times

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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