Publication Date

December 17, 2008

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

History Detectives PBSPBS’ show History Detectives asks, “Do you, a family member or a friend have an item around the house that has something to do with one of our nearly 400 national parks, monuments and historic sites that might be of historical significance?  Did you ever wonder about its background or the story it could tell?”

In advance of Ken Burns’s latest documentary, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea,” History Detectives is seeking to investigate “national park-related items with historical significance.” Selected items will be featured on the show in the summer of 2009.

Visit the PBS web site to learn more about the History Detectives show, and to find more resources like lesson plans (covering topics like visiting a historic site and searching for historic artifacts), quizzes and games, and videos.

If you’re interested in submitting a National Parks related item, read the History Detectives press release, then submit your item online here.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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