Publication Date

June 26, 2013

Perspectives Section

News, Perspectives Daily

The National Archives recently announced the winners of the 2013 Regional Fellowship Program. Six fellows were chosen to conduct research at National Archives facilities in Boston, Denver, Fort Worth, Riverside, San Francisco and St. Louis.

The 2013 Fellows include:


Claire Dunning, National Archives at Boston

Neither Public nor Private yet Both:  How the Nonprofit Sector Reshaped American Cities

Ms. Dunning will examine the relationship between federal funding and non-profit organizations in Boston at the end of the 20th century.

James Jenks, National Archives at Denver

The Northern Cheyenne Homesteaders of Southeast Montana’s Tongue River and Otter Creek Valleys

Mr. Jenks will investigate the location and property ownership status of 46 Northern Cheyenne families who, during the late 19th century, homesteaded on traditional land located on the east side of the Tongue River and in the Otter Creek Valley in southeastern Montana.

Susan Burch, National Archives at Fort Worth

Dislocated Removals, Institutions, and Community Lives in America History

Ms. Burch will explore the history Hiawatha Asylum, the only federal psychiatric institution specifically for American Indians.

Melanie Sturgeon, National Archives at Riverside

Prostitution in the Arizona Territory

Using territorial assessment and tax rolls, arrest and court records, deeds, city licenses, censuses, and letters, Ms. Sturgeon will examine the lives of professional prostitutes, their business strategies, and the economic, physical and social challenges they faced.

Nicolas Rosenthal, National Archives at San Francisco

Moving Towards the Mainstream: Native America, 1890-1040

Using Bureau of Indian Affairs records, Mr. Rosenthal will study Native American history from the end of the Indian Wars to the beginning of World War II.

Zonnie Gorman, National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis

Navajo Code Talkers of World War II

Ms. Gorman will use military and personnel records of individual code talkers to trace the origins of the Navajo Code Talker Program and will focus on the “first 29,” the program’s pilot group that created the original code of approximately two hundred Navajo terms.

To read the complete announcement, or learn about the Regional Fellowship program, see the official press release

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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