Publication Date

August 14, 2014

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

The American Historical Association is seeking qualified applicants for the position of associate editor, web content and social media. 

AHA-Building-SpringThe successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the American Historical Association’s website and social media presence. The associate editor’s work is central to the organization’s efforts to recruit and serve members, facilitate communication among its various constituencies, and advocate for the discipline of history. Working as part of the publications team but collaborating with staff in all departments as well as with Council and members requires a confident individual who understands the discipline and the myriad roles that historians have, as well as knowledge of the ever-evolving forms of communication that the web enables. We are looking for someone with a background in history and experience with institutional communication on the web, including creating and sustaining websites and managing social media accounts.

Come join the AHA’s energetic staff and help us continue to build an excellent presence on the web.

A complete job description, required qualifications, and information on how to apply can be found on Interfolio. Review of applications will begin on August 27, 2014, and continue until the position is filled. Position available September 2, 2014. EOE.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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