Publication Date

November 1, 2003

The 118th annual meeting of the American Historical Association will be held January 8–11, 2004, in Washington, D.C., at the Marriott Wardman Park, Omni Shoreham, and Hilton Washington Hotels. More than 1,400 scholars, including 117 from other countries, will participate in 296 AHA and affiliate sessions. Forty-nine specialized affiliated societies and other groups will cosponsor sessions or hold separate luncheons, sessions, and meetings. AHA and affiliate events are summarized in the online Program (and beginning on page 25 of the printed version of the Program, which was mailed out in October). Details of AHA and affiliate sessions are listed in the main body of the printed Program (AHA-sponsored sessions begin on page 79 with affiliated society sessions following in alphabetical order in each time period).

Noted below are sessions and events sponsored by Association divisions and committees. The numbers in parentheses are session numbers.

The AHA's Teaching Division is sponsoring several sessions, including two that focus on evaluating the teaching of history, “Creating Alternatives to Assessment Regimes: A Standards and Outcomes Approach to Postsecondary History Education” (4) and “History at the Center: Examining the Reemergence of History in the High School” (35). Other sessions sponsored by the Teaching Division are: “September 11, 2001: Collection, Exhibition, and Education” (69); “Responding to Plagiarism in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion” (97), with the AHA Professional Division; “The City Museum of Washington, D.C.: Serving and Creating Community” (124), an off-site session at the City Museum cosponsored with the AHA Task Force on Public History. The division will cosponsor the Advanced Placement luncheon on Saturday, January 10 with the College Board and the World History Association. John R. McNeill (Georgetown Univ.) will speak on the topic, “The Human Web: A Bird’s-Eye View of World History.” Lawrence R. Beaber of the Educational Testing Service will preside.

For the 14th year, the AHA's Professional Division will continue its sponsorship of a workshop on “Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century” (1) in conjunction with the Coordinating Council for Women in History and the AHA Committee for Graduate Students. Scheduled on Friday, January 9, 9:30–11:30 a.m., session attendees will be divided into small interviewee groups, each led by a college or university faculty member or a public historian who will conduct mock interviews and lead discussion of successful interview strategies. William J. Cronon (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), vice president of the Professional Division, will preside. In the Friday afternoon time slot, the division will sponsor “The Job Hunt” (34) with the AHA Committee for Graduate Students and the AHA Task Force on Public History. Martin E. Sullivan (Historic St. Mary’s City) will chair the roundtable and Albert Broussard (Texas A & M Univ.), Maureen Murphy Nutting (North Seattle Community Coll.), and Barbara M. Posadas (Northern Illinois Univ.) will be panelists. William M. Fowler (Massachusetts Historical Society) will provide comment.

The Professional Division will also sponsor two panels in the Saturday, January 10, 9:30–11:30 a.m. time period. The first is "The Future of Graduate Training in History" (66), with Lynn Hunt (UCLA) serving as chair and Barbara Metcalf (Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor), Barbara Dianne Savage (Univ. of Pennsylvania), Brooks D. Simpson (Arizona State Univ.), Joseph Walwik (American Univ. in Cairo), and David Ward (American Council on Education) serving as panelists. The second is "State Budgets and the Crisis of Historical Infrastructure in the United States" (67). The panelists in the session (which will be chaired by the division vice president) include Nina M. Archabal (Minnesota Historical Society), Bruce Craig (National Coalition for History), J. Kevin Graffagnino (Vermont Historical Society), Gail M. Leftwich (Federation of State Humanities Councils), Clement Alexander Price (Rutgers Univ. at Newark), and Dan Shilling (Arizona Humanities Council). In the Saturday, January 10, 2:30–4:30 p.m. time period, the division will cosponsor "Responding to Plagiarism in the Classroom" (97) with the AHA's Teaching Division.

The AHA's Research Division will cosponsor with the AHA Task Force on Intellectual Property a session entitled “What Every Historian Wants to Know about Copyright and Fair Use . and Has Never Bothered to Ask” (3), chaired by Stanley N. Katz (Princeton Univ.). Panel members are Alan Adler (American Assn. of Publishers), Gail Ross (Lichtman, Trister & Ross PLLC), David W. Stowe (Michigan State Univ.), and Duane Webster (Assn. of Research Libraries). The division will also sponsor “Bringing History to the Table: The Role of Historians in Contemporary Political Debate” (68). Representative Bob Filner (D-Calif.) will chair the session and James Banner (History News Service), Candace Falk (Emma Goldman Papers), Ralph Luker (Vernon Johns Papers), Ruth Rosen (San Francisco Chronicle), Rick Shenkman (History News Network), and Jon Wiener (Univ. of California at Irvine) will comprise the panel.

The Committee on Minority Historians (CMH) is sponsoring the session, “The Status of Minority Historians” (36). Carlton Wilson (North Carolina Central Univ. and CMH member) will chair the session. Panel members are Andres Tijerina (Austin Community Coll.) and Sandra Jowers (Howard Univ.). The CMH also invites minority scholars, graduate students, and others attending the annual meeting to a cash-bar reception on Saturday, January 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Marriott’s Delaware Suite B. The CMH also invites minority graduate students and first-year faculty to a complimentary continental breakfast on Friday, January 9, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. to discuss life in the profession. Those interested in attending the breakfast meeting should e-mail Cliff Jacobs at by December 1 to register (there is no fee to attend). Individuals who wish to participate only in the discussion are invited to arrive at 8:15 p.m.

TheCommittee on Women Historians (CWH) is sponsoring a roundtable on mentoring (37) with the AHA Committee for Graduate Students. Seth Koven (Villanova Univ. and CWH member) will preside and Lynn Hunt (UCLA), Elizabeth Lunbeck (Princeton Univ.), and Virginia Sanchez-Korrol (Brooklyn Univ.-CUNY) will be panelists. The CWH also invites attendance to its annual breakfast on Saturday morning, January 10. Alice Kessler-Harris (Columbia Univ.) will speak and Jan Lewis (Rutgers Univ.) will preside. Preregistration is required; see the AHA registration form in this issue or on the AHA’s web site (

The Committee for Graduate Students (CGS) is sponsoring four sessions. On Saturday, January 10, the CGS will sponsor the session “Into the Classroom! Teaching Tips and Strategies for T.A.’s and Future Faculty” (98). Myrna Ivonne Wallace Fuentes (Duke Univ. and CGS chair) will preside. Panel members are Rudolph Bell (Rutgers Univ.), Peter Filene (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Terry Seip (Univ. of Southern California). The CGS will also cosponsor “Interviewing in the Job Market in the Twenty-First Century” (1) with the AHA Professional Division and the Coordinating Council for Women in History, “The Job Hunt” (34) with the AHA Professional Division, and the roundtable on mentoring (37) with the AHA Committee on Women Historians.

On Friday, January 9, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Marriott's Virginia Suite A, the CGS will sponsor an "Open Forum" to discuss issues of interest to graduate students. Immediately following the forum, all graduate students are invited to attend a reception in their honor beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Marriott's Delaware Suite B. See the online Program (page 16 of the printed Program) for additional events of special interest to graduate students.

The Committee on Graduate Education (CGE) will sponsor a workshop on Thursday, January 8, 1:00–5:15 p.m., “The Education of Historians in the Twenty-First Century.” The workshop is free and open to anyone attending the 2004 annual meeting. Individuals must, however, confirm attendance by contacting Miriam Hauss ( by December 1. For details see page 45.

The Task Force on Intellectual Property will cosponsor the session “What Every Historian Wants to Know about Copyright and Fair Use . . . and Has Never Bothered to Ask” (3) with the AHA Research Division in the Friday, January 9, 9:30–11:30 a.m. time period. The Task Force on Public History will sponsor three sessions: “The Job Hunt” (34) with the Professional Division and the Committee for Graduate Students; “State Budgets and the Crisis of Historical Infrastructure in the United States”(67) with the AHA’s Professional Division; and “The City Museum of Washington, D.C.: Serving and Creating Community” (124) with the AHA’s Teaching Division. The TFPH will also sponsor two open forums. On Friday, January 9, 1:00–3:00 p.m. at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, the Task Force will sponsor “Interpreting the Nation’s History at the National Museum of American History.” Brent D. Glass, director of the museum, will lead a discussion of the concept for a new permanent exhibition exploring the sweep of American history and the challenges of developing a national narrative. Another forum sponsored by the TFPH—to report on the task force’s work to date—is scheduled for Saturday, January 10, beginning at 12:30 p.m. in the Marriott’s Maryland Suite A. The TFPH invites all colleagues, including public and academic historians, to attend and share their concerns, interests, and comments.

— is the AHA convention director

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