The editorial board of Perspectives is pleased to announce that Gail Savage has agreed to serve as the contributing editor for the newsletter’s Professional Issues column. Savage is visiting assistant professor of history at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and is currently serving a three-year elected term on the AHA Professional Division. She will replace David Katzman of the University of Kansas, whose term as editor concluded with the 1995-96 academic year.
Savage received her Ph.D. in British history from the University of Texas at Austin in 1977 and has since taught in a variety of institutions, most recently Syracuse University and George Washington University. Her research on elite groups and social policy has attracted grant support from the American Philosophical Society and the National Endowment for the Humanities. She is currently engaged in a study of the history of divorce and divorce law reform in 19th- and 20th-century England. Her publications include The Social Construction of Expertise: The English Civil Service and Its Influence, 1919-1939 (1996) and a dozen articles in scholarly journals.
Submission Guidelines
This column will enable members of the Association to carry on a discussion of those professional issues of most pressing interest to them. Authors might address topics such as the position of independent scholars and adjunct instructors, changes in job market and methods of professional recruitment, institutional downsizing and its effects, the movement to institute post-tenure review, or any other questions about the proper professional conduct of historians as teachers and scholars. The column seeks to express a wide spectrum of opinion from the Association’s various constituencies. A full airing of members’ views, articulated in a spirit of constructive collegiality, will insure that matters of importance to us all receive our attention.
Submissions may be up to 10 double-spaced pages long with no more than five endnotes. Please supply a diskette with the paper copy of your submission. Authors should forward submissions to Gail Savage, Contributing Editor for Professional Issues, Perspectives, History Department, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD 20686.