Publication Date

May 17, 2010

Perspectives Section

AHA Activities, Perspectives Daily

Facebook DiscussionsOne of the features of the new AHA’s Facebook page is a discussion board with various questions for you to weigh in on.  So far two discussion questions have been posed: “Is it the end of the conference interview as we know it?” inspired by a recent article from the Chronicle, and “Does age of degree = age discrimination?” where we take a look at the wording of history job ads.

Today we offer ask a new question: Do you use new media in the classroom?

The internet offers access to an abundance of new media options for the classroom: web sites, digital archives, blogs, wikis, and so much more. Do you use new media in the classroom? What types, and how do you use them? Head over to the discussion board and share your experiences. We’re interested to hear from you.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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