Publication Date

July 5, 2007

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

The Department of Education is seeking panel reviewers to evaluate applications from students applying for Jacob K. Javits Fellowships for the 2008 fiscal year. Javits Fellowships provide funding to students of superior academic ability, selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise—to undertake study at the doctoral and masters level in selected fields of arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Those selected to evaluate Javits fellowship applications will travel to Washington, D.C. for an orientation on November 11, 2007, followed by application reviewing from November 12th through the 16th. Travel, lodging, and per diem expenses will be covered by the Department of Education, and reviewers will receive an honorarium of $100 per day.

If you are a qualified individual who is interested in being a reviewer of Javits Fellowship applications, apply online at and contact Visit the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship program page to find out more about this award.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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