At its meetings in San Diego on January 7 and 10, 2010, the AHA’s Council reached the following decisions:
- Approved the minutes of the June 2009 meeting, as well as the minutes of other online votes and discussions in 2009.
- Approved the selection of 2010 Honorary Foreign Member.
- Approved the annual audit report for the 2008–09 fiscal year.
- Accepted all nomination to AHA committees from the Committee on Committees for 2010.
- Accepted the applications for affiliation from the National Coalition for Independent Scholars and the Toynbee Prize Foundation.
- Approved procedures for the establishment of interest groups in the Association.
- Endorsed the Coalition on the Academic Workforce Issue Brief “One Faculty Serving All Students”.
- Approved a revised document surveying the organization and jurisdiction of AHA divisions and committees, in light of recent revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Approved the practical advice document on “Plotting Your Path to Tenure: What New History Faculty Need to Know” for future publication.
- Endorsed an advisory document on graduate student health care, also for publication in a future issue of Perspectives on History.
- Voted to remove the early deadline for multi-session workshops from the Annual Meeting Guidelines.
- Approved a small change in the name of the Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for Innovation in Digital History, which more accurately reflects its actual status as a prize.
- Approved the appointment of Sarah Knott and Konstantin Dierks (both of Indiana Univ.) to serve as interim editors of the American Historical Review during the sabbatical leave of the current editor, Robert A. Schneider.
- Voted thanks to organizers and participants for the sessions on “Historical Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage Established for San Diego Annual Meeting” at the 2010 annual meeting.
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