The Committee on Committees will meet in the fall to draw up its recommendations to Council for service on the various appointive committees—standing, ad hoc, joint, and the book awards (the full committee structure was published in the March issue of Perspectives).
Members are invited to submit names, together with brief c.v.’s, for consideration by the Committee on Committees; it would also be helpful to the committee to state for which committee the member is being nominated.
Recommendations should be sent to William E. Leuchtenburg, Chair, Committee on Committees, Office of the Executive Director, AHA, 400 A St., SE, Washington, DC 20003, no later than October 12, 1990.
The Nominating Committee normally meets each February to develop its slate of nominees. Recommendations for consideration for that committee should be sent to the AHA by January 1, 1991. Additional details will be provided in the November Perspectives.