The Committee on LGBT History seeks a special slate of panels and roundtables to present to the AHA Program Committee for consideration for the 2017 annual meeting in Denver.
The theme of the 2017 meeting is Historical Scale: Linking Levels of Experience. The CLGBTH is specifically seeking panels that will be in a special track entitled “Queering Historical Scale.” For more information on the CLGBTH, see our website.
We hope that these panels and roundtables can engage themes around queering historical scale, broadly construed. Like historians working in other subfields, scholars of queer history employ many different spatial, temporal, and experiential scales, and have often challenged conventions of scalar analysis. Studies range from micro to global, from momentary to sweeping, from individual to collective. How does LGBTQ history cross, connect, and mix scales of analysis? What does it mean to “queer” historical scale? How have the experiences of some queers stood in for those of others, and what problems does this pose for historical scale? Given the paucity of sources for some regions and periods, how can scholars of the queer past connect the micro and the macro across space, time, and types of experience? How have gay or trans* identities in one location interacted with those in other places, and what permutations have ensued? How do concepts of space, place, and geography inform practices of queer history? We welcome scholarship in all geographic areas, and especially encourage applications from those working on regions outside the US and periods before the 20th century. Transnational and/or cross-cultural panels are particularly welcome.
The CLGBTH also welcomes LGBTQ panels and roundtablesnot directly related to the theme of Queering Historical Scale, including those that engage with issues of professional development (publishing, job market, mentoring, etc.). If you are submitting an LGBTQ history panel directly to the AHA rather than for the year’s special track, please let us know by February 1 so that we can consider sponsoring your submission.
In particular, the Committee on LGBT History seeks papers for a panel or set of panels honoring and exploring the life and work of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez. Panelists might present on the influence of Roque Ramírez’s work on the field or their own scholarship; give papers in queer Latino history/studies; give papers using oral history as a methodology; or offer a combination of two or more of these approaches. The Committee on LGBT History will assemble a panel or set of panels out of individual proposals and work with presenters to submit them to the Program Committee of the AHA. Please e-mail Emily Hobson ( and Stephen Vider ( as soon as possible with questions or to express interest in submitting a paper on the life and work of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, as the deadline for submission to the annual meeting is February 15, 2016. Once we have gauged interest we will be in touch about further submissions requirements.
The deadline for possible papers and panels on our special track is February 1. While we strongly prefer assembled sessions, we will also build sessions from individual paper submissions as needed. In order to submit a panel, please e-mail us the following:
- Session title (of no more than 20 words)
- Session abstract (up to 500 words)
- Paper or presentation titles
- Abstract or description for each presentation (up to 300 words)
- Biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words) for each participant
- Correct e-mail address for each participant
- Affiliation, city, state, and country for each participant
- Chair (required) and commentator (optional) for the session
- Audiovisual needs, if any
In order to submit an individual paper, please provide the following:
- Paper or presentation title
- Abstract or description for presentation (up to 300 words)
- Biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words)
- Correct e-mail address
- Affiliation, city, state, and country
- Audiovisual needs, if any
All proposals and communications should go to CLGBTH Co-Chairs Amanda Littauer ( and Nick Syrett ( All people accepted into CLGBTH programs are required to be current paid members of our organization. You can sign up for or renew membership here.
The final AHA Program Committee deadline is February 15. For details about AHA submissions, see the AHA submission page.
If, for one reason or another, some sessions are not accepted, we can consider including them in our affiliated program, which is submitted after we know the results of the Program Committee’s deliberations.
This post first appeared on AHA Today.
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