Publication Date

April 9, 2007

Perspectives Section

Perspectives Daily

Lee White from the National Coalition for History posted the latest Washington Update last Friday, April 6. Highlights from this edition include:

  • Open positions at the National Park Service. The positions of Chief Historian and Bureau Historian are currently vacant at the National Park Service.
  • NHA Conference. Erin Smith of the National Humanities Alliance reports that the recent NHA Conference and Humanities Advocacy Day was a success. Also read about the NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants, which were awarded at the NHA conference.
  • Declassification of Nazi and Japanese War Crimes. This seven year declassification project has come to an end, with a final report coming out mid-April.

Find all of this, plus news on a NEH summit on Digital Humanities Centers, the release of “Women in Congress 1917-2006,” and links to a number of articles of interest, at the most recent Washington Update. Also, be aware that the next Update won’t be published till the week of April 16.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

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